Doctoral Degrees (Ancient Studies)

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    A cognitive linguistics model for new testament discourse analysis and its application to selected Lukan Parables
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2024-03) Fields, Eric G.; Bosman, Philip; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In NT Studies, it is obvious that Discourse Analysis has been presented in a variety of different ways. This dissertation first addresses the challenges that are associated with understanding this vast, diverse, and even disparate enterprise. Next, it proposes a possible way forward based on Cognitive Linguistics principles, while also incorporating the gains from the Functional approaches. Finally, the proposed Cognitive Model is applied to the parables of Luke 15–16 as a “test case." Eight different approaches of Discourse Analysis that have been used in NT Studies are first conceptualized and critically reviewed. The components, models, and notions of the approaches are described and analyzed, and then, by introducing a common framework for the study, their strengths and weaknesses are presented, and they are compared and contrasted with the other approaches. In this way, a comprehensive understanding of the Discourse Analysis enterprise is obtained. On the one hand, this study shows that each of the approaches have contributed something unique and valuable to our overall understanding of discourse, while on the other, it also shows that none of the approaches are able to capture a comprehensive understanding of discourse that is desired. Specifically, each of the approaches originates from one of the linguistic “movements,” which in turn, serves to limit its application to a certain area or portion of the linguistic landscape. Although the more recent Functional Linguistics approaches achieve a much needed, highly nuanced perspective of discourse, they also lack the comprehensive understanding that is desired. A possible way forward is given through the lens of Cognitive Linguistics. That is, a Cognitive Model for Discourse Analysis is presented, where the principles of Cognitive Grammar and human language processing are used to create a robust framework that allows for a broad conceptualization of discourse. The Cognitive Model is then applied to Luke 15–16, where the framework and cognitive principles are put to use. This study shows that a consistent application of the model allows for the analysis of discourse on many different levels. The results of this study demonstrate the value of having a full or comprehensive perspective of the Discourse Analysis enterprise itself, as well as having a comprehensive conceptualization of the parables, which occur within an environment of many contextual layers.
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    The complementation of ראה in Biblical Hebrew
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2023-03) Mathewson, Steven; Van der Merwe Christo, H. J.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an investigation of the complementation of the verb ראה in Biblical Hebrew. The problem it addresses is the lack of a coherent account of the various complements selected by this verb, as well as the semantic or pragmatic effects of these various complements. This investigation begins with a survey of previous lexical studies of the verb ראה and establishes that the verb’s most basic sense is perception with the eyes and that this meaning regularly extends metaphorically to cognition—that is, understanding or realization. Then, this study utilizes an eclectic collection of insights from Cognitive Linguistics as the framework for investigating a data set that includes the 1,303 occurrences of the verb ראה in the Hebrew Bible. The concepts that have shaped this linguistic framework include complementation, embodiment, intersubjectivity, information state, and sensory perception. A key feature of the investigation is the grouping and analysis of the verb ראה and the complements it selects within the following categories: • ראה + Object (with or without the object marker אֵת ) • ראה + Ø (no explicit complement) • ראה + כִּי (that) • ראה + וְהִּנֵה (and behold) • ראה + אֲשֶׁר (how) • ראה + prepositions (בְְּ, in/into; עַל, on/upon, etc.) • ראה + other particles (interrogatives, etc.) This investigation yielded several results. First, it determined how the collocation of the verb ראה with various kinds of complements effects meaning. For example, ראה + כִּי constructions signify a mental perception of a proposition which can even be derived from means other than eyesight. Second, it determined that the most prototypical construction involving the verb ראה in the Hebrew Bible is ראה + Object (50.5% of the total instances) and that its prototypical sense is the perception of an object or event with one’s eyes. Third, it established various metaphorical extensions and metonymic paths that move from this sense to others. For example, ראה can extend metaphorically from visual perception with an intentional look to meanings like “inspect” or “choose.” An example of a metonymic path is see → see and encounter → make an effort to see and encounter (= visit). Fourth, this study provided insight into unique expressions associated with the verb ראה . For example, lift up her/his/my eyes signifies an intentional effort to acquire knowledge. Fifth, this study considered how the complementation of other BH verbs of sight and perception compare with the complementation of ראה . For example, the other sight verbs occur with much less frequency and always signify intentional acts of looking. By contrast, ראה frequently denotes the visual stimulation that happens automatically in bodily experience.
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    The Complementation of ראה in Biblical Hebrew
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2023-03) Mathewson, Steven D. (Steven Dale), 1961-; Van der Merwe, C. H. J.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an investigation of the complementation of the verb האר in Biblical Hebrew. The problem it addresses is the lack of a coherent account of the various complements selected by this verb, as well as the semantic or pragmatic effects of these various complements. This investigation begins with a survey of previous lexical studies of the verb האר and establishes that the verb’s most basic sense is perception with the eyes and that this meaning regularly extends metaphorically to cognition—that is, understanding or realization. Then, this study utilizes an eclectic collection of insights from Cognitive Linguistics as the framework for investigating a data set that includes the 1,303 occurrences of the verb האר in the Hebrew Bible. The concepts that have shaped this linguistic framework include complementation, embodiment, intersubjectivity, information state, and sensory perception. A key feature of the investigation is the grouping and analysis of the verb האר and the complements it selects within the following categories: • האר + Object (with or without the object marker תאֵ ) • האר + Ø (no explicit complement) • האר + יכִּ (“that”) • האר + הנֵ הִּ וְ (“and behold”) • האר + רשֶׁ אֲ (“how”) • האר + prepositions (בְ , “in/into;” לעַ , “on/upon,” etc.) • האר + other particles (interrogatives, etc.) This investigation yielded several results. First, it determined how the collocation of the verb האר with various kinds of complements effects meaning. For example, האר + יכִּ constructions signify a mental perception of a proposition which can even be derived from means other than eyesight. Second, it determined that the most prototypical construction involving the verb האר in the Hebrew Bible is האר + Object (50.5% of the total instances) and that its prototypical sense is the perception of an object or event with one’s eyes. Third, it established various metaphorical extensions and metonymic paths that move from this sense to others. For example, האר can extend metaphorically from visual perception with an intentional look to meanings like “inspect” or “choose.” An example of a metonymic path is see → see and encounter → make an effort to see and encounter (= visit). Fourth, this study provided insight into unique expressions associated with the verb האר. For example, “lift up her/his/my eyes” signifies an intentional effort to acquire knowledge. Fifth, this study considered how the complementation of other BH verbs of sight and perception compare with the complementation of האר. For example, the other sight verbs occur with much less frequency and always signify intentional acts of looking. By contrast, האר frequently denotes the visual stimulation that happens automatically in bodily experience.
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    The psychagogical function of the topos of anger in Greco-Roman moral philosophy
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2023-03) Park, Jung Hoon; Thom, Johan Carl, 954-
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the psychological tradition of ancient philosophy, emotions were an important topic frequently treated by philosophers with a concern for soul-care. The analogy between philosophy and medical science describes the ancient moral philosophical perspective on emotions. According to the analogy, a philosopher is a doctor, emotions are psychological illnesses, and philosophical discourse is medicine for the soul. This analogy provided the basic frame of the moral philosophical way of deploying arguments on emotions. As the worst kind of emotion, anger was dealt with in this context. Although scholars have observed that anger had been a traditional topic frequently treated in a conventional way by ancient philosophers since Aristotle, there has not been a systematic analysis of the way in which anger was treated as a topos. Accordingly, the present study conducts topos analysis on four moral philosophical treatises on anger written in Greco-Roman period, namely, Philodemus’ De ira, Seneca’s De ira, Plutarch’s De cohibenda ira, and Galen’s De proporiorum animi cuiuslibet affectuum dignotione et curatione. The aim of analysing anger as a topos is to describe the way in which the argument on anger is deployed, its function, and how it performs its function. All four authors deploy their arguments on anger under three headings: 1) what is anger; 2) why is anger to be eradicated; and 3) how is anger to be eradicated. This indicates that the authors discuss anger with a psychagogical concern for curing the soul by eradicating anger. Also, it is observed that the conflict between the monistic and multipartite psychological models is at work in progress throughout the topos of anger, and, that the topos of anger performs a protreptic role as well. The study shows that topos analysis is a valid and effective approach to ancient texts because a better understanding of topoi leads to a more nuanced reading of ancient texts by assisting us in mapping out the ancient intellectual universe.
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    Poetess on the periphery? revisiting the question of a female poetic tradition in hellenistic poetry
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2022-12) Martin, Amy; Bosman, Philippus Rudolph, 1964-; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study presents a renewed consideration of an assumed female poetic tradition in ancient Greek literature by analysing selected epigrams attributed to female poets from the Hellenistic era. This autonomous poetic heritage – presumably initiated by Sappho in the archaic period – is defined as a tradition of literary influence between women writers and their female forebears, all of whom focused collectively, and exclusively, on feminine values, concerns, and experiences. To argue for the existence of such an inherent women’s language and literature, scholars have applied the following criteria: i. poetic mode (i.e., an originally oral-based poetic tradition), ii. marginality (i.e., poetry performed on the periphery of mainstream society), iii. female-only audiences or readerships, iv. feminine themes (e.g., children, animals, and nature), and v. feminine genres (e.g., lyrics and lamentation). This study proposes that a further criterium needs to be applied to the material, namely that of allusion, that would allow us to trace poetic references in women’s texts to their original source. For the purposes of this investigation, three forms of allusion are distinguished: (a) imitatio, (b) aemulatio, and (c) generic allusion. Imitatio is when an author selects features from an earlier text and simply redeploys them, whereas aemulatio refers to instances when the earlier text is not only copied but altered in some way to demonstrate the author’s innovation. Generic allusion is applied more broadly, in the form of shared themes, metres, dialects, or dictions associated not to a specific text, but to a specific (sub)genre. The main body of this study consists of the detailed analysis of select epigrams by the Hellenistic poets Erinna, Moero, Anyte, and Nossis (350-280 BC), preserved in the Greek Anthology. The treated poems are, in the cases of Anyte and Nossis, the only extant texts from the poets, and barely any of Erinna’s and Moero’s poetry has survived outside of this genre (and book), but for a few fragmented and decontextualised snippets. These female poets were thus primarily selected for the era (and genre) in which they composed (i.e., ‘Era of the Book’) as this period saw an increase in the preservation of women’s poetry in the form of epigrammatic collections. In terms of the various categories of allusion, this study finds that women poets more regularly alluded to the themes, motifs, genres, and dictions attributed to the public poetic tradition than they tended to allude to their female poetic predecessors, albeit sometimes in a way that reworked conventional poetic structures to bring about a subtle feminine perspective. The public nature of the epigram genre also suggests that female poets had a public, erudite readership in mind, especially since such a wider audience would better ensure the survival of their works. Male poets’ frequent allusion to these female poets’ works further speaks to the accessibility and renown of their poetry, and to their important innovations within the wider allusive networks of ancient Greece’s literary past.