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A Decolonial Analysis of the Reform and Transformation of the South African National Defence Force
(Stellenbosch University, 2024-12) de Coning, Embla; Lamb, Guy; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Political Science.
This thesis is situated in the context of South Africa’s unique history of colonialism and apartheid. Within that framework, this study is a decolonial analysis of the post-apartheid Security Sector Reform (SSR) process, with a particular focus on the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). The 1996 South African White Paper on Defence envisaged a transformed and arguably ‘decolonial’ SANDF. The study seeks to explore how decolonial theory can contribute new insights into the post-1994 reform and transformation of the SANDF. This decolonial analysis finds that the reform and transformation of the SANDF have only been partially successful because the transformation furthered colonial and apartheid-era power hierarchies; was largely based on previous (apartheid-era) South African Defence Force (SADF) structures; and failed to evolve in a changing security landscape largely due to a Westerncentric approach based on liberal SSR. The thesis further found this to be due to the lack of an active decolonial approach. The study points to what such a decolonial transformation can achieve, as well as how it could be initiated and sustained. The thesis finds that in order to decolonise successfully, defence forces need to focus on changing their institutional culture and colonial-based institutional structures, as well as decolonising their educational curriculum. Furthermore, although policies such as gender inclusion and representation are actively decolonial, they require consistent work and reflection on deconstructing colonial structures of power, knowledge and being, and especially colonial patriarchy. Lastly, deconstructing the coloniality of knowledge and Western assumed universal roots of knowledge production is important in achieving a decolonial defence force. The thesis highlights some potential positive performance outcomes should the SANDF apply a more intentional decolonial approach to its ongoing evolution. Firstly, it encourages a more accurate depiction of South Africa’s current security landscape and relationship with regional allies, as well as its role in supporting the SSR of other countries in Africa. Secondly, it creates an environment where personnel are more directly involved in the defence force and in co-shaping how it works and is understood. In other words, that it is not based on a colonial model of exploitation or colonial standards and criteria. This may result in a defence force more in line with what it actually does and who it actually serves, as opposed to having goals and budgets that do not reflect what the defence force spends most of its time doing. The thesis makes a contribution to the field of political science by actively applying decolonial theory in practice to the sub-field of defence and security studies, and thus demonstrating how theories of decoloniality can be applied in researching defence and security policy and practice. While there has been some effort to decolonialise defence and security studies in Africa, this is still only in its initial stages.
(Stellenbosch University, 2024-12) de Bruin, Wouther Daniël; Olivier, L.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of . Dept. of .
The operationalisation of strategy is often neglected due to the absence of planning and monitoring of strategy implementation and the progress mostly being behind schedule. So far lacking in the literature, the operationalisation of strategy requires a systematic and theoretical analysis. The aim of this research study was to capture the process and progress of the implementation of SA Army Vision 2045 from an academic perspective to add to the body of knowledge on strategy implementation in the armed forces. The study focused on opportunities and challenges regarding the operationalisation of the SA Army Vision 2045 by investigating the enabling and constraining factors contributing to the implementation of the strategy. The validity and suitability of the SA Army Vision 2045 as a strategy was not questioned nor investigated. Primary themes that emerged from the literature review were the complexity of military strategy in the 21st century, the concept of human security, defence transformation, and the defence dilemma. The research conducted explored how these concepts influenced the implementation of SA Army Vision 2045. The complexity of military strategy in the 21st century was addressed by looking into the approach to strategy implementation in the military and exploring the factors affecting strategy implementation in general. An exploration of the concept of human security demonstrated how it adds to the complexity of military strategy in the 21st century, highlighting adherence to democracy, good governance and the rule of law in a multilateral approach. With regard to defence transformation, three challenges were identified, namely the difference in planning horizons between national security and policy lag, problems with the role of the armed forces in decision-making, and the fixation on narrow theoretical constructs. Finally, the study illuminated how the contradictions that exist between military defence and national security give rise to the defence dilemma as a factor of strategy implementation.
The Application of the 7C- Protocol to Assess Compliance with Public Procurement Prescripts in the Procurement of ICT Services in the Garden Route District Municipality
(Stellenbosch University, 2024-12) Damons, Salman; Quinot, Geo; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.
Understanding non-compliance with legislation that governs procurement in public entities necessitates an understanding of how these rules are experienced by those who implement them. This study investigates the implementation of public procurement policies in municipalities, with a specific focus on the procurement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services. The core research question investigates how public procurement rules, and their enforcement affect municipalities abilities to procure ICT services. The study assesses the implementation of public procurement regulations using the 7C Protocol to identify areas for improvement and propose measures to strengthen procurement procedures, boost transparency, and minimize corruption in Garden Route District Municipality. According to the research findings, the number of administrative difficulties faced by public procurement practitioners is an indicator of the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement policies. There are noted challenges in implementing supply chain management (SCM) and procurement legislation and procedures. Non-compliance with SCM policy and laws is because of poor procurement planning, a lack of knowledge and skills, insufficient operational capacity, outdated operating systems, and low staff morale and motivation. Furthermore, the study finds that effective leadership and management, integrated ICT solutions, and professionalisation of SCM personnel are all potential critical factors in addressing these challenges and improving procurement implementation. This research yields valuable insights for local governments seeking to enhance their procurement processes to ensure transparency, fairness, and efficiency in acquiring ICT services. Through incorporating the recommended measures, governments can navigate complexities and enhance service delivery to meet the evolving needs of their citizens.
I Shall Live as Me: The Dismantlement of Suppressive Structures in Contemporary Female Gothic Texts
(Stellenbosch University, 2024-12) Da Mata, Antonia Katelyn; Oppelt, Riaan; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of English.
In this thesis, the continued yet contested relevance of the Female Gothic in literature privileging women characters is investigated. Ellen Moers, Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar contributed groundbreaking insight to what is known as the Female Gothic. Generally, Female Gothic literature explores pressures and anxieties experienced by women within domestic spaces under patriarchal control. Due to perceptions of it being outdated, the term “Female Gothic” is contested in literary studies but remains relative for narratives which focus on a young woman’s maturation and an implicit anxiety surrounding her sexuality. The “separate spheres” was an ideology during the Victorian period that separated women and men in society. Women occupied the domestic space and were expected to be submissive to the husband or male figure. Through an analysis of Charlotte Perkin Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892), I study how the domestic space is a source of anxiety for women protagonists in early stages of marriage. Gilman’s short story is posited, in this reading, as a foundational text influential on others following in its wake and the thesis dedicates itself to selections in this vein. Gilman’s story addresses the suppressive nature of “separate spheres” and how women being controlled and confined within the domestic space is undesirable. Through Linda Hutcheon’s A Theory of Adaptation as well as Adrienne Rich’s arguments for constant re-visions of feminist literature, I study the ways writers attempt to re-visit and re-write Gilman’s unnamed protagonist and free her from the Female Gothic situation. The study focuses on three groups of women: the young bride, governess, and girl. The governess and young bride share anxieties regarding sexuality within the domestic space despite occupying different roles within the household. Using the texts, The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020), Rebecca (1938), and Fingersmith (2002), I argue how writers and creators use the technique of adaptation and provide possibilities for queer readings to attempt to alleviate the protagonist from the Female Gothic situation. These texts offer alternative femininities for the protagonist. Mostly, they provide narratives that show women as beings of autonomy and volition. However, with the analysis of Shirley Jackson’s We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962), I conclude that the most promising way to alleviate the Female Gothic situation for a woman is to write narratives about a protagonist before the point of maturation. The child narrator challenges prescriptive codes of the “separate spheres” by writing a girl with different priorities to motherhood or marriage. Girlhood offers new narrative arcs within the Female Gothic. With a wider possibility on what it is to be a woman, we can rethink the types of women and stories we read within the Female Gothic.
Exploring the contribution of an integrated coaching and mentoring framework to develop entrepreneurial self-efficacy in survival-driven entrepreneurs
(Stellenbosch University, 2024-12) Cronjé, Jean Pierre; Terblanche, Nicky; Theron-Wepener, Marietjie; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Business Management.
Entrepreneurship is the dynamic interaction between an individual and the entrepreneurial environment, leading to a business venture. Consequently, the individual plays a central role in the entrepreneurial process, requiring motivation, behavioural competencies, and business management skills to transition from early entrepreneurship to established business ownership. Entrepreneurs are generally categorised as either opportunity-driven or survival-driven. Survival-driven entrepreneurs, the focus of this study, often turn to entrepreneurship in the absence of formal employment. They often lack the necessary skills to engage confidently in the entrepreneurial process. Additionally, the challenges they face in developing their skills and confidence are often exacerbated by a scarcity of entrepreneurial education and development opportunities. Understanding the specific development needs of survival-driven entrepreneurs can inform the development of interventions that enhance their behavioural and functional skills, enabling them to engage more confidently in entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, a multi-dimensional construct, encompasses an entrepreneur's self-confidence to execute tasks and develop the necessary business and behavioural competencies. It is a learned competence that can be developed and enhanced, with coaching and mentoring recognised as individual-level antecedents. Coaching adopts a reflective and facilitative approach, while mentoring is more directive. However, no comprehensive theoretical framework exists that integrates these approaches to support the development of survival-driven entrepreneurs. This research aims to fill this knowledge gap by exploring the properties an integrated coaching and mentoring framework should possess to contribute to the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of survival-driven entrepreneurs during the early stages of entrepreneurship, focusing on both general self-efficacy and domain-specific entrepreneurial skills development. The research approach employed to develop the Integrated Coaching and Mentoring Entrepreneurial Development Framework (ICMED Framework) was exploratory, qualitative, and followed an inductive methodology. Data collection and analysis occurred in three distinct phases. In Phase 1, a conceptual version of the framework was developed by conducting a thematic content analysis of data gathered from semi-structured interviews (n=21). During Phase 2, the conceptual framework evolved and was refined through Canonical Action Research (n=10) resulting in the generation of a draft version of the framework. Phase 3 involved the use of focus groups (n= 21) to arrive at the final version of the ICMED Framework. The findings from this research enrich practical implementation, scholarly knowledge and methodological refinement. The ICMED Framework provides practical guidelines for coaches and mentors seeking to contribute towards enhancing the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of survival-driven entrepreneurs. Moreover, it has the potential to complement existing entrepreneurial training and development programmes. Additionally, the framework contributes to the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on a theoretical level by adopting an integrated and holistic approach informed by the current reality of the survival-driven entrepreneur. The framework is underpinned by Integral Theory and Experiential Learning Theory, which complement Social Cognitive Theory as a behavioural theory. Methodologically, this study enhances the rigour of the Coaching Model Derivation Process by integrating focus groups as a new step in the process, thereby including user feedback in coaching model development. This study makes numerous practical recommendations, including suggestions for future research.