Iconography as biography : a study of the Middle Kingdom Egyptian tombs at Beni Hasan, el-Bersha and Meir (c.2040-1840 B.C.)

dc.contributor.advisorCornelius, I.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBaines, Alice Victoriaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionDissertation (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The intention of this dissertation is to substantiate the hypothesis that biography in iconographic form occured in certain Middle Kingdom tombs of provinsial governors of the 14th, 15h and 16th Upper Egyptian nomes. Assumed initially to have been an individual idiosyncrasy of particular tomb owners, it is now proposed that it was in fact the manifestation of a general trend which had been developing over a given perdiod. It is also proposed that while this trend can be traced from its gradual development in the latter part of the Old Kingdom in a number of tombs, it can be seen exemplified to its best advantage in its developing and developed form in certain tombs at Beni Hasan. In addition to identifying certain iconography as biographical. the intention is to justify this conclusion by examining the religious, social and historical conditions which brought this about and which eventually led to its discontinuation. In order to do this the following aspects are discussed:- 1. The nature of iconography, the nature and rules of narrative, which must be present in biographical matter, and the ability of iconography to comply with such rules. 2. The geographical and historical background to the existence of the tombs under discussion. 3. The development of Egyptian tomb art as bearing on the decorativ content of certain tombs and the canonical religious symbolism inherent in the murals both iconographic and hieroglyphic, in order to differentiate between this symbolism and the iconographic biography which it introduced. 4. The religious concepts applicable to funerary observances and tomb preperation at that time are investigated to endeavour to ascertain the extent of conformity with these concepts relative to the construction of the tombs under review. 5. The social conditions extant at the period in which the proposed biographical trend developed are examined with a view to their possible influence relative to that trend. 6. In the main the views and conclusions expressed in this dissertation have been reached by adhering to hermeneutic principles of interpretaion and comprhension.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie verahandeling is om die hipotese te toets dat biografie in die vorm van ikonografie voorgekom het in sekere Middel Koninkryk-grafte van provinsiale regeerders van die 14de, 15de en 16de Bo-Egiptiese distrikte ("nomes"). Waar die aanvanklik aanvaar is as 'nn indiwiduele eienaardigheid van bepaalde grafeienaars, word nou voorgestel dat dit in werklikheid die manifestasie was van 'n algemene neiging wat oor 'n gegewe tydperk aan die ontwikkel was. Daar word ook voorgestel dat terwyl die neiging nagespoor kan word vanaf sy geleidelike ontwikkeling in 'n aantal grafte uit die laaste deel van die Ou Konikryk, dit die beste in sekere grafte by Beni Hasan as voorbeeld van die neiging in sy ontwikkelende en ontwikkelde vorm, tot uitdrukking kom. Benewens die identifikasie van sekere tipes ikonografie as biografies van aard, is die doel ook om hierdie gevolgtrekking te regverdig deur 'n ondersoek na die godsdienstige, maatskaplike en geskiedkundige toestande wat dit teweeg gebring het en wat uiteindelik daartoe gelei het dat die neiging nie voortegeduur het nie. Om dit te doen, word die volgende aspekte bespreek:- 1. Die aard van ikonografie, die aard en reëls van narratief wat in biografiese materiaal aanwesig moet wees; en die vermoë van ikonografie om aan sulke reëls te voldoen. 2. Die geografiese en historiese agtergrond van die grafte onder bespreking. 3. Die ontwikkeling van Egiptiese grafkuns soos dit verband hou met die dekoratieewe inhoud van sekere grafte en die kanonieke godsdienstige simboliek - beide wat ikonografie en hiërogliewe betref - eie aan die muurskilderye, om sodoende te onderskei tussen hierdie simboliek en die ikonografiese biografie wat dit ingelei het. 4. Die godsdienstige konsepte van toepassing op begrafnisgebruike en grafvoorbereiding van daardie tyd word ondersoek om te poog om te bepaal tot watter mate daar ooreenkomste tussen hierdie konsepte en die konstruksie van die grafte onder bespreking was. 5. Die maatskaplike toestande aanwesig in die tydperk toe die voorgestelde biogafiese neiging ontwikkeling het, word ondersoek met die oog op hul moontlike invloed met betrekking tot daardie neiging. 6. In die hoofsaak is die menings en gevolgtrekkinge wat in hierdie verhandeling weergegee word, bereik met inagneming van hermeneutiese beginsels van vertolking en begrip.af_ZA
dc.format.extent376 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTombs -- Egypten_ZA
dc.subjectMural painting and decoration, Ancient -- Egypten_ZA
dc.subjectIdols and images -- Egypten_ZA
dc.subjectEl Bersheh Site (Egypt)en_ZA
dc.subjectBani Hasan Site (Egypt)en_ZA
dc.subjectMeir Site (Egypt)en_ZA
dc.titleIconography as biography : a study of the Middle Kingdom Egyptian tombs at Beni Hasan, el-Bersha and Meir (c.2040-1840 B.C.)en_ZA
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