Microfossil characterisation for petroleum exploration using x-ray computed tomography: a new approach

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current bulk processing and identification of microfossils from drill cores for petroleum exploration are limited by time-consuming traditional chemical and physical microfossil extraction and microscope inspection methods. Microfossils are removed from preserved rocks through mechanical disaggregation and conventional acid digestion techniques and then imaged using scanning electron microscopy, transmitted light microscopy, stereo binocular- or polarising microscopy depending on the microfossil group. In recent years, the application of micro-computed tomography (microCT) in micropaleontology has allowed non-destructive imaging of microfossils, but this is still perceived as challenging as there is a lack of methodology and technical details for high-resolution imaging of microfossils. In this study, the potential of microCT to characterise microfossils for petroleum exploration was evaluated. Application-specific challenges and advantages of imaging microfossils in drill cores were documented. This study successfully demonstrated that this method's viability increases with the use of drill cuttings and small fragments, showing different external and internal microfossil morphology characteristics imaged in 3D. Moreover, 3D imaging of extracted microfossils provided high taxonomic resolution. With the new insight, microCT and thermally induced colour were used to evaluate if specific changes in morphology can be linked to the thermal maturity of the source rock. The results indicated that the overall change in microfossil assemblage morphology might be useful in estimating a change in thermal maturity. MicroCT presents an exciting new tool for microfossil characterisation in petroleum exploration but requires automation to be economically viable.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige prosesering en identifisering van mikrofossiele in boorkerne vir petroleum eksplorasie word ingeperk deur tydsame tradisionele chemise and fisiese mikrofossiel onttrekking en mikroskopiese inspeksie metodes. Mikrofossiele word verwyder uit bewaarde rotse deur meganiese ontbinding en konvensionele suur vertering tegnieke en word dan afgebeeld deur middel van skandeerelektronmikroskopie, lig-deurlatings mikroskopie, stereo verkyker of polariserings mikroskopie, afhangend van die mikrofossiel groep. In the laaste paar jaar word die toepassing van mikro rekenaar tomografie (microRT) in mikropaleontologie gebruik om mikrofossiele nie-vernietigend te ondersoek, maar dit word steeds as uitdagend ervaar weens die tekort aan metodologie en tegniese besonderhede vir hoë-resolusie beelding van mikrofossiele. In hierdie studie word die potensiaal van microRT vir die karakterisering van mikrofossiele vir petroleum eksplorasie evalueer. Toepassing-spesifieke uitdagings en voordele van die beelding van mikrofossiele in boor kerne word gedokumenteer. Die studie demonstreer suksesvol dat die metode se lewensvatbaarheid toeneem met die gebruik van boor kern fragmente, en toon verskeie interne en eksterne mikrofossiel morfologiese eienskappe in 3D. Bowendien, 3D beelding van mikrofossiele verskaf hoë taksonomiese resolusie. Met hierdie nuwe insigte, word mikroRT en termies geinduseerde kleurveranders gebruik om te evalueer of spesifieke morfologiese veranderinge gekoppel kan word aan termiese volwassenheid van die bron rots. Die resultate het aangedui dat die algehele verandering in mikrofossielsamestellingsmorfologie nuttig kan wees om 'n verandering in termiese volwassenheid te skat. MicroRT bied 'n opwindende nuwe instrument vir mikrofossielkarakterisering in petroleumeksplorasie, maar vereis outomatisering om ekonomies lewensvatbaar te wees.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
X-ray computed tomography, Microfossils 3D -- Morphology, Micropaleontology, Petroleum exploration, Fossils -- Classification, Petroleum -- Prospecting, UCTD