Evaluating the effectiveness of the vehicle registration and licensing system of Botswana's Ministry of Transport and Communication using the Delone and McLean model

dc.contributor.advisorBlaauw, Dewald N.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLaletsang-Mokokwe, Lebogangen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Information Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Information System Success Evaluation has been a concept of interest to many organizations for decades now. The main motivation for this activity is usually from the financial view of things, that is, the main interest of an organization carrying out IS success evaluation is mainly to find out whether investing in such a system was a good business decision. This question is often answered by the realization of the direct and indirect benefits realized by deployment of using such a system. Like many organizations the government of Botswana has invested millions of Pula’s in the past number of years in acquiring and implementing different Information Systems in the various Ministries and Departments. One such system is the Vehicle Registration and Licensing System, which was deployed by the Department of Roads Transport and Safety of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication. After the VRLS implementation there has not been any formal scientific research or investigation conducted to find out the success of this Information System, especially with regards to the stakeholders who use this system for their daily jobs. This study therefore engaged in a task, which evaluated the success of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing System and answered the question of how effective the system is from the user’s point of view. A well-known Information System success evaluation model, known as the Delone and McLean IS evaluation model, was applied to test the hypothesis of this research. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the research data. The results were analyzed using a common research tool, the SPSS, including cross tabulation and chisquare tests. The findings of this study will further enrich the IS success evaluation Body of Knowledge on the key factors which can contribute to a successful or unsuccessful Information System acquisition investment. Furthermore, the researchers who will further look into this subject may find these findings very useful and also stimulating to do further research on this subject to unveil further evidence of the ingredients of an effective Information System investment which has been accepted by and accredited by its users.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inligtingstelselsuksesevaluering is ‘n konsep wat baie organisasies nou al vir dekades interesseer. Die motivering hiervoor is hoofsaaklik geleë in finansiële redes. Organisasies wil hiermee vasstel of dit ‘n goeie besigheidsbesluit was. Hierdie vraag word dan dikwels beantwoord deur die verkryging van direkte en indirekte voordele deur gebruik te maak van so ‘n stelsel. Soos baie organisasies het die regering van Botswana miljoene pula belê in die implementering van inligtingstelsels in verskeie staatsdepartemente. Die Voertuigregistrasie en Lisensiestelsel is ‘n voorbeeld hiervan wat deur die Departement van Padvervoer en -Veiligheid van die Ministerie van Werke, Vervoer en Kommunikasie ontplooi is. Geen formele wetenskaplike navorsing is geloods na afloop van die implementering van die stelsel nie, veral nie sedert die gebruik deur motoriste nie. Hierdie studie poog juis om die effektiwiteit van die stelsel te meet, veral vanuit die verbruiker se perspektief. Die Delone en Mclean Inligtingstelselevalueringsmodel word gebruik om die hipotese van die navorsing te toets. ‘n Gestruktureerde vraelys is opgestel om data te versamel. Die SPSS as ‘n algemene navorsingsinstrument is gebruik vir analise, asook vir kruistabulasie en chikwadraattoetse. Die bevindinge van die studie sal die korpus van kennis van inligtingstelselsuksesevaluering verryk ten opsigte van die sleutelfaktore wat kan bydra tot die sukses of nie-sukses van inligtingstelselimplementering. Verdere studie in hierdie betrokke gebied word deur die navorsing gestimuleer, om veral die effektiwiteit van Inligtingstelselbeleggings te bepaal.af_ZA
dc.format.extent137 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectManagement information systems -- Evaluationen_ZA
dc.subjectMotor vehicles -- Registration and transfer -- Botswanaen_ZA
dc.titleEvaluating the effectiveness of the vehicle registration and licensing system of Botswana's Ministry of Transport and Communication using the Delone and McLean modelen_ZA
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