2010 April - USB Agenda Magazine

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    Let us speak and listen differently
    (2010-04) Sonn, Julian
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: ‘Old-fashioned racism exhibits the more overt and explicit expression of superiority, whereas modern racism is covert and subtle.’
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    Classroom of the world
    (2010-04) Matthee, Amanda
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: What is it that South Africa has and that foreign students want? Amanda Matthee finds out.
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    Man of many talents
    (2010-04) Blaine, Sue
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Professor John Powell from Cardiff is no stranger to South Africa. SUE BLAINE speaks to University of Stellenbosch Business School director-to-be about his varied interests.
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    I hereby swear...
    (2010-04) Marais, Jana
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hundreds of MBA graduates around the globe are spporting a Hippocratic-style MBA Oath, promising to change the business world. Should you sign? asks Jana Marais.
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    When the vuvuzelas blow
    (2010-04) Slabbert, Antoinette
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After kick-off, the Soccer World Cup might just deliver a winning goal for South African project management and business acumen – and brand, suggests ANTOINETTE SLABBERT.