Research Articles (University of Stellenbosch Business School)

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    Adoption factors and moderating effects of age and gender that influence the intention to use a non-directive reflective coaching chatbot
    (SAGE Publications, 2022-06) Terblanche, Nicky; Kidd, Martin
    Chatbots are increasingly applied in various contexts including helping professions, such as organizational and life coaching. Coaching facilitates individual wellness, behavioral change, and goal attainment in a reflective, non-directive manner, and is considered one of the fastest-growing professions. The use of knowledge imparting service chatbots have been studied; however, the application of chatbots in coaching has received scant research attention, raising the question about which factors and moderating effects play a role in the adoption of reflective, non-directive coaching chatbots. In this study, we applied a modified Unified Theory of the Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to determine factors and moderating effects of age and gender that influence the adoption of a goal-attainment coaching chatbot. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for the analysis of a cross-sectional UTAUT survey (n = 226). Performance expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions had significant roles as direct determinants of intent to use the coaching chatbot. Gender moderated performance expectancy and age showed a moderation tendency on effort expectancy. This study on non-directive, reflective chatbots in the organizational, and life coaching domains contributes to our understanding of how to design chatbots aimed at helping people find their own answers.
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    Understanding the nexus between savings and economic growth: A South African context
    (Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-05-28) Van Wyka, Bianca Flavia; Kapingura, Forget Mingiri
    The study examines the relationship between savings and economic growth in South Africa for the period 1986–2018. The Johansen cointegration technique and the Vector Error Correction Model were employed as methods of analysis. The findings from the study indicate that the effect of savings on economic growth in South Africa is negative . However, a positive relationship between the two variables was established in the short-run. Granger causality tests were also utilised to determine the direction of causality between savings and economic growth. The results revealed that the relationship runs from economic growth to gross domestic savings. Another important observation from the study is the role of investment which was found to have a positive effect on economic growth. This result also supports the idea of promoting investment if the country is to achieve sustainable economic growth.
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    Towards a definition for branded entertainment: An exploratory study
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019-07-22) Van Loggerenberg, Marthinus JC; Enslin, Carla; Terblanche-Smit, Marlize
    Branded entertainment seemingly holds varied meanings. This is of concern as the discipline is growing in importance as a means to disrupt conventional brand communication practice. One can compare this problem to an industry that for argument’s sake does not understand or agree on the fundamental principles of advertising or public relations, resulting in ineffective communication efforts. The lack of a cohesive understanding and application of branded entertainment erodes its core value, which is to breakthrough clutter and connect with audiences through authentic narrative; thus, the potential for branded entertainment to achieve resonance is depleted. Brand resonance builds brands strategically. This exploratory study engaged the perceptions of globally recognized brand communication decision makers across six continents on defining branded entertainment. We conducted interviews with planners and creators of award-winning branded entertainment campaigns that were recognized by multiple Grand Prix and Gold wins at the world’s most respected advertising award shows. The research delivers a proposed definition: Branded entertainment is a communication effort that employs a compelling authentic narrative to achieve brand resonance. This definition can guide academics and practitioners on branded entertainment practice for strategic brand-building success.
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    Financial development and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: A sectoral perspective
    (Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-06-07) Ustarz, Yazidu; Fanta, Ashenafi Beyene
    Research on the impact of financial development on economic growth remains inconclusive. Previous empirical examination of the link is based on aggregate GDP on the presumption that each economic sector responds identically to financial development. However, the extent of credit utilisation, as well as productivity of credit, may not necessarily remain the same across sectors. This study therefore seeks to contribute to the literature by examining the effect of financial development across sectors in sub-Saharan Africa using the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) over the period 1990–2018. Indeed, the findings show that while financial development has a positive effect on the service and agricultural sectors, a certain threshold of financial development must be reached before it can positively contribute to the growth of the industrial sector. The findings are robust to a different estimation technique. With the industrial sector considered critical for economic transformation, our findings imply that policymakers in sub- Saharan Africa need to continue to promote financial development to spur industrialization.
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    The contribution of coaching and mentoring to the development of participants in entrepreneurial development programmes
    (Oxford Brookes University, 2020-08) Van Coller-Peter, Salomé; Cronje, J. P.
    A significant need among small and medium enterprises is the transfer of skills, specifically business acumen, through mentorship and coaching. Despite the similarities between coaching and mentoring, it is important to understand the different contributions that coaching and mentoring can make to the development of entrepreneurs. The findings of this qualitative study acknowledge the different contributions of coaching and mentoring to participants at the University of Stellenbosch Business School’s (USB) Small Business Academy. It is therefore recommended that coaching and mentoring should be defined separately and differently within the context of the USB Small Business Academy’s Development Programme and similar entrepreneurial development programmes.