Doctoral Degrees (Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies)
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This collection contains theses sponsored by the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies.
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- ItemTurbine layout for and optimization of solar chimney power conversion units(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008-12) Fluri, Thomas Peter; Von Backstrom, T. W.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The power conversion unit of a large solar chimney power plant converts the fluid power, first into mechanical power, and then into electrical power. In this dissertation a tool is developed to determine the layout and the number of turbines of the solar chimney power conversion unit providing the lowest cost of electricity. First, the history of the solar chimney concept and the related fields of research are presented. Potential features and configurations of the power conversion unit are introduced, and it is shown how the solar chimney power conversion unit compares to those of other applications. An outline of the dissertation is given, and its potential impact is discussed. An analytical turbine model is developed. Several modelling approaches and the performance of single rotor and counter rotating turbine layouts are compared. Preliminary turbine designs are investigated, experimentally and numerically. The main aim of the experimental investigation is to verify the applicability of the loss model used in the analytical turbine model. The aim of the numerical investigation is to evaluate a commercial software package as a tool in context with solar chimney turbines. For each component of the power conversion unit an analytical performance model is introduced. Using these models, the single vertical axis, multiple vertical axis and multiple horizontal axis turbine configurations are compared from an efficiency and energy yield point of view, and the impact of the various losses on the overall performance is highlighted. A detailed cost model for the power conversion unit is also presented. To optimize for cost of electricity this cost model is then linked to the performance models, and the resulting optimization scheme is applied to several plant configurations. It is shown that for a large solar chimney power plant the power conversion unit providing minimal cost of electricity consists of multiple horizontal axis turbines using a single rotor layout including inlet guide vanes.
- ItemTechno-economic study for sugarcane basse to liquid biofuels in South Africa: a comparison between biological and thermological process routes(2010-08-04) University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Engineering. Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies; Liebbrand, N. H.; Knoetze, J. H.; Gorgens, J.A techno-economic feasibility study was performed to compare biological and thermochemical process routes for production of liquid biofuels from sugarcane bagasse in South Africa using process modelling. Processing of sugarcane bagasse for the production of bioethanol, pyrolysis oil or Fischer-Tropsch liquid fuels were identified as relevant for this case study. For each main process route, various modes or configurations were evaluated, and in total eleven process scenarios were modelled, for which fourteen economic models were developed to include different scales of biomass input. Although detailed process modelling of various biofuels processes has been performed for other (mainly first world) countries, comparative studies have been very limited and mainly focused on mature technology. This is the first techno-economic case study performed for South Africa to compare these process routes using data for sugarcane bagasse. The technical and economic performance of each process route was investigated using the following approach: Obtain reliable data sets from literature for processing of sugarcane bagasse via biological pretreatment, hydrolysis and fermentation, fast and vacuum pyrolysis, and equilibrium gasification to be sufficient for process modelling. Develop process models for eleven process scenarios to compare their energy efficiencies and product yields. In order to reflect currently available technology, conservative assumptions were made where necessary and the measured data collected from literature was used. The modelling was performed to reflect energy-self-sufficient processes by using the thermal energy available as a source of heat and electricity for the process. Develop economic models using cost data available in literature and price data and economic parameters applicable to South Africa. Compare the three process routes using technical and economic results obtained from the process and economic models and identify the most promising scenarios. For bioethanol production, experimental data was collected for three pretreatment methods, namely steam explosion, dilute acid and liquid hot water pretreatment performed at pretreatment solids concentrations of 50wt%, 10wt% and 5wt%, respectively. This was followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and separate co-fermentation. Pyrolysis data for production of bio-oil via fast and vacuum pyrolysis was also collected. For gasification, data was generated via equilibrium modelling based on literature that validated the method against experimental data for sugarcane bagasse gasification. The equilibrium model was used to determine optimum gasification conditions for either gasification efficiency or syngas composition, using sugarcane bagasse, fast pyrolysis slurry or vacuum pyrolysis slurry as feedstock. These results were integrated with a downstream process model for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to evaluate the effect of upstream optimisation on the process energy efficiency and economics, and the inclusion of a shift reactor was also evaluated. The effect of process heat integration and boilers with steam turbine cycles to produce process heat and electricity, and possibly electricity by-product, was included for each process. This analysis assumed that certain process units could be successfully scaled to commercial scales at the same yields and efficiencies determined by experimental and equilibrium modelling data. The most important process units that need to be proven on an industrial scale are pretreatment, hydrolysis and fermentation for bioethanol production, the fast pyrolysis and vacuum pyrolysis reactors, and the operation of a twostage gasifier with nickel catalyst at near equilibrium conditions. All of these process units have already been proven on a bench scale with sugarcane bagasse as feedstock. The economic models were based on a critical evaluation of equipment cost data available in literature, and a conservative approach was taken to reflect 1st plant technology. Data for the cost and availability of raw materials was obtained from the local industry and all price data and economic parameters (debt ratio, interest and tax rates) were applicable to the current situation in South Africa. A sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate the effects of likely market fluctuations on the process economics. A summary of the technical and economic performances of the most promising scenarios is shown in the table below. The bioethanol process models showed that the liquid hot water and dilute acid pretreatment scenarios are not energy self-sufficient and require additional fossil energy input to supply process energy needs. This is attributed to the excessive process steam requirements for pretreatment and conditioning due to the low pretreatment solid concentrations of 5wt% and 10wt%, respectively. The critical solids concentration during dilute acid pretreatment for an energy selfsufficient process was found to be 35%, although this was a theoretical scenario and the data needs to be verified experimentally. At a pretreatment level of 50% solids, steam explosion achieved the highest process thermal energy efficiency for bioethanol of 55.8%, and a liquid fuel energy efficiency of 40.9%. Both pyrolysis processes are energy self-sufficient, although some of the char produced by fast pyrolysis is used to supplement the higher process energy demand of fast compared to vacuum pyrolysis. The thermal process energy efficiencies of both pyrolysis processes are roughly 70% for the production of crude bio-oil that can be sold as a residual fuel oil. However, the liquid fuel energy efficiency of fast pyrolysis is 66.5%, compared to 57.5% for vacuum pyrolysis, since fast pyrolysis produces more bio-oil and less char than vacuum pyrolysis.
- ItemTechnical and economic evaluation of the utilization of solar energy at South Africa's SANAE IV base in Antarctica(Elsevier, 2007) Olivier, Jurgen R.; Harms, Thomas M.; Esterhuyse, Daniel J.The technical and economic feasibility of utilizing solar energy at South Africa's SANAE IV station in Antarctica was evaluated in order to estimate potential financial and external savings, and to alleviate the programme's dependence on the special blend of diesel shipped annually from Cape Town. The average global horizontal and tilted insolation rates at the base were studied, energy consumption data of the station was investigated, technical performance characteristics of devices for harnessing solar energy were assessed and an economic analysis was completed. It was shown that at SANAE IV flat-plate solar thermal collectors could potentially be used in conjunction with the snow smelter (a device that meets the station's fresh water demand) and that photovoltaic modules could feasibly be used to reduce the station's electrical demand. Flat-plate solar thermal collectors could collect solar energy at an average of 3.13 R/kWh (viz. 0.49 US$/kWh) from a suggested 143 m2 array, while comparatively a 40 kWp photovoltaic system would be less economically sound and only able to pay back costs at the end of the system's expected 25-year lifetime, generating electricity at an estimated 3.20 R/kWh (annual electrical consumption at SANAE IV amounts to more than 1062 MWh). The total diesel savings of the solar thermal and photovoltaic systems were estimated at approximately 12 245 and 9958 l, respectively, which represent savings in externalities of R67 338 and R55 879 each.
- ItemTechno-economic study for sugarcane bagasse to liquid biofuels in South Africa : a comparison between biological and thermochemical process routesLeibbrandt, Nadia H.; Knoetze, J. H.; Gorgens, Johann F.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Process Engineering.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A techno-economic feasibility study was performed to compare biological and thermochemical process routes for production of liquid biofuels from sugarcane bagasse in South Africa using process modelling. Processing of sugarcane bagasse for the production of bioethanol, pyrolysis oil or Fischer-Tropsch liquid fuels were identified as relevant for this case study. For each main process route, various modes or configurations were evaluated, and in total eleven process scenarios were modelled, for which fourteen economic models were developed to include different scales of biomass input. Although detailed process modelling of various biofuels processes has been performed for other (mainly first world) countries, comparative studies have been very limited and mainly focused on mature technology. This is the first techno-economic case study performed for South Africa to compare these process routes using data for sugarcane bagasse. The technical and economic performance of each process route was investigated using the following approach: Obtain reliable data sets from literature for processing of sugarcane bagasse via biological pretreatment, hydrolysis and fermentation, fast and vacuum pyrolysis, and equilibrium gasification to be sufficient for process modelling. Develop process models for eleven process scenarios to compare their energy efficiencies and product yields. In order to reflect currently available technology, conservative assumptions were made where necessary and the measured data collected from literature was used. The modelling was performed to reflect energy-self-sufficient processes by using the thermal energy available as a source of heat and electricity for the process. Develop economic models using cost data available in literature and price data and economic parameters applicable to South Africa. Compare the three process routes using technical and economic results obtained from the process and economic models and identify the most promising scenarios. For bioethanol production, experimental data was collected for three pretreatment methods, namely steam explosion, dilute acid and liquid hot water pretreatment performed at pretreatment solids concentrations of 50wt%, 10wt% and 5wt%, respectively. This was followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and separate co-fermentation. Pyrolysis data for production of bio-oil via fast and vacuum pyrolysis was also collected. For gasification, data was generated via equilibrium modelling based on literature that validated the method against experimental data for sugarcane bagasse gasification. The equilibrium model was used to determine optimum gasification conditions for either gasification efficiency or syngas composition, using sugarcane bagasse, fast pyrolysis slurry or vacuum pyrolysis slurry as feedstock. These results were integrated with a downstream process model for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to evaluate the effect of upstream optimisation on the process energy efficiency and economics, and the inclusion of a shift reactor was also evaluated. The effect of process heat integration and boilers with steam turbine cycles to produce process heat and electricity, and possibly electricity by-product, was included for each process. This analysis assumed that certain process units could be successfully scaled to commercial scales at the same yields and efficiencies determined by experimental and equilibrium modelling data. The most important process units that need to be proven on an industrial scale are pretreatment, hydrolysis and fermentation for bioethanol production, the fast pyrolysis and vacuum pyrolysis reactors, and the operation of a twostage gasifier with nickel catalyst at near equilibrium conditions. All of these process units have already been proven on a bench scale with sugarcane bagasse as feedstock. The economic models were based on a critical evaluation of equipment cost data available in literature, and a conservative approach was taken to reflect 1st plant technology. Data for the cost and availability of raw materials was obtained from the local industry and all price data and economic parameters (debt ratio, interest and tax rates) were applicable to the current situation in South Africa. A sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate the effects of likely market fluctuations on the process economics. A summary of the technical and economic performances of the most promising scenarios is shown in the table below. The bioethanol process models showed that the liquid hot water and dilute acid pretreatment scenarios are not energy self-sufficient and require additional fossil energy input to supply process energy needs. This is attributed to the excessive process steam requirements for pretreatment and conditioning due to the low pretreatment solid concentrations of 5wt% and 10wt%, respectively. The critical solids concentration during dilute acid pretreatment for an energy selfsufficient process was found to be 35%, although this was a theoretical scenario and the data needs to be verified experimentally. At a pretreatment level of 50% solids, steam explosion achieved the highest process thermal energy efficiency for bioethanol of 55.8%, and a liquid fuel energy efficiency of 40.9%. Both pyrolysis processes are energy self-sufficient, although some of the char produced by fast pyrolysis is used to supplement the higher process energy demand of fast compared to vacuum pyrolysis. The thermal process energy efficiencies of both pyrolysis processes are roughly 70% for the production of crude bio-oil that can be sold as a residual fuel oil. However, the liquid fuel energy efficiency of fast pyrolysis is 66.5%, compared to 57.5% for vacuum pyrolysis, since fast pyrolysis produces more bio-oil and less char than vacuum pyrolysis.
- ItemOptimization and control of a large-scale solar chimney power plant(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007-03) Pretorius, Johannes Petrus; Kroger, D. G.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissertation builds on previous research (Pretorius, 2004) and investigates the optimization and control of a large-scale solar chimney power plant. Performance results are based on a reference location near Sishen in South Africa and a so-called reference solar chimney power plant, with a 5000 m collector diameter and a 1000 m high, 210 m diameter chimney. The numerical simulation model is refined and used to perform a sensitivity analysis on the most prominent operating and technical plant specifications. Thermo-economically optimal plant configurations are established from simulation results and calculations according to an approximate plant cost model. The effects of ambient wind, temperature lapse rates and nocturnal temperature inversions on plant performance are examined. Various new technologies are investigated for the purpose of controlling plant output according to specific demand patterns. The incorporation of vegetation under the collector roof of the plant and the influence thereof on plant performance is also explored. Results indicate that, through the modification of the collector roof reflectance, collector roof emissivity, ground surface absorptivity or ground surface emissivity, major improvements on plant performance are possible. Introducing thermal insulation or double glazing of the collector roof also facilitates substantial enhancements on plant yield. Simulations predict a notable sensitivity to the ground surface absorptivity value, while variable atmospheric temperature lapse rates and windy ambient conditions may impair plant performance significantly. Furthermore, sand is found to be unsuitable as plant ground type and thermoeconomically optimal solar chimney plant dimensions are determined to be generally larger than plant dimensions employed in previous studies. Good dynamic control of solar chimney power output is established, suggesting that a solar chimney power plant can be implemented as a base or peak load electricity generating facility. Lastly, results predict that vegetation, when provided with sufficient water, will be able to survive under the collector roof but the inclusion of vegetation will however cause major reductions in plant performance.