Research Articles (Afrikaans and Dutch)

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    Innoverende toegangsroetes in selfoonwoordeboeke
    (Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), 2022-12-07) Du Plessis, Andre H.
    Innovative Access Structures in Mobile Dictionaries. The access structure of any dictionary is an important one. It provides the user with a means to obtain the required data or to extract valuable information. This dictionary structure mostly overlaps with other structures such as the macro-, micro- and mediostructure, which in turn creates different access routes a dictionary user can follow to try and satisfy his or her lexicographic needs. In printed dictionaries, the access structure can already be found on the cover, while in electronic or online dictionaries this structure is usually visible on the home or landing page (Du Plessis 2015: 51-52). Gouws and Prinsloo (2005: 64) differentiate between two types of access structures: the outer access structure, which relates to the access or search routes that lead a user to the lemma sign, and the inner access structure, which, among other things, involves the search routes and zones within a dictionary article. The traditional functions and uses of dictionary structures are adapted for the online and mobile medium in order to better satisfy user needs. The disadvantage of this, however, is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between different dictionary structures (Müller-Spitzer 2013: 368-369). Fortunately, e-dictionaries have the freedom to provide new and innovative ways for users to access lexicographic material. The goal of this article is to highlight and evaluate some of these innovative access routes, particularly in mobile dictionaries. This is done to determine which access routes deserve further investigation or should be considered as a standard practice in mobile and other e-dictionaries.
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    Information needs and contextualization in the consultation process of dictionaries that are linked to e-texts
    (Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), 2022-07-11) Bothma, T. J. D. (Theodorus Jan Daniël); Gouws, R. H.
    This article focuses on various aspects regarding contextualization when e-texts are linked to integrated dictionaries. The article responds to a twofold problem statement: (1) Diction­aries linked to e-texts do not sufficiently take into account the contextuali­zation and cotextualiza­tion of words when providing information to users. (2) The integrated dic­tionary may contain the items needed for contextualization and cotextualization, but the e-device cannot interpret the con­text of a word and link the word to the relevant item in the dictionary arti­cle. The aim of the article is to show the need of linking a word from a text on an e-device to the correct sense in the inte­grated dictionary. This presupposes dynamic dictionary articles and lexico­graphic structures in which a relation between words in an e-text and user-specified lexicographic sources is established. Some existing projects that perform such linking are discussed and evalu­ated. Based on these results this article makes some suggestions. It is foreseen that there will be a "black box" of software between the selected word and the dictionary that will determine the cor­rect lemma and sense to be selected from the e-dictionary. Having discussed various alternatives, the article suggests par­allel contextualization between the dictionary and the software of the e‑device. Many aspects dis­cussed in this article require further research. Relevant proposals are made with regard to this research.
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    Aspekte van vernuwing in die Afrikaanse leksikografie : standaard- en pedagogiese woordeboeke as barometer
    (Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), 2022-12-07) Beyer, Herman Louis; Louw, Phillip A.
    Innovative aspects of Afrikaans lexicography : standard and pedagogical dictionaries as barometer. The aim of this contribution is to offer an overview of the areas of most significant innovation in the Afrikaans lexicography over the past two decades, with specific reference to standard and pedagogical dictionaries, since they represent the typological categories in which most development is visible. However, reference will also be made to other dictionary types and contexts where relevant. Firstly, the current state of affairs with regard to the Afrikaans lexicography will be outlined in terms of existing lexicographic products. Secondly, some comments will be offered on the professionalisation of Afrikaans lexicography — a topic which has not really been dealt with in metalexicographical research. The roles of the Bureau of the Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal and commercial dictionary publishers will also be highlighted. Thereafter, secondary and specific lexicographic processes will be discussed, with reference to corpus lexicography and lemma selection, macrostructural innovation, and microstructural innovation. The discussion of the latter will include integrated microstructures in bilingual dictionaries, lexicographic definitions in monolingual dictionaries, cotext entries, and aspects of grammatical data. The state of affairs and future of the Afrikaans e-lexicography will also be addressed. Finally, some comments on special dictionaries will be offered.
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    A lexicographical perspective to intentional and incidental learning : approaching an old question from a new angle
    (Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), 2022-07-11) Tarp, Sven
    Second-language learning is a complex process that combines text reception (reading, listening) and text production (writing, talking). Applied linguistics usually distinguishes between intentional and incidental learning. The academic literature contains various definitions of these concepts, espe­cially in connection with reading. The paper explores L2 learning from a lexi­co­graphical perspective and redefines the two terms based on parameters like flow, focus, and inter­ruption. It then focuses on digital dictionaries integrated into e-readers, learning apps, and writing assistants, and argues that this inte­gration, so far, has not been particularly successful due to a number of negative factors. As an alternative, the paper provides examples of how lexicographical data could be filtered and presented in pop-up windows to serve both inci­dental and intentional learning. The former requires instantaneous, contextu­alized, and discreet assistance with an abso­lute minimum of lexicographical data, whereas the latter presupposes easy access to relevant addi­tional data. Finally, the paper discusses the techniques and technologies required to guar­antee this approach. Keywords: incidental learning, intentional learning, integrated dic­tionaries, e-readers, e-reading tools, learning apps, writing assistants, intuitive use, context-awareness, lexicographical contextualization.
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    How school dictionaries treat human reproductive organs, and recommendations for South African primary school dictionaries
    (Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), 2022-12-07) Morris, Lorna Hiles; Hiles, Lorna
    This paper is a pilot study that investigates options for treating human reproductive organs in primary school dictionaries in South Africa, with particular emphasis on illustrations. The need for this study was made apparent during research into the design of an electronic school dictionary, where some learners expressed concern about younger children being exposed to "inappropriate" illustrations in school dictionaries. This article is placed in the South African context and shows how this is a sensitive and relevant topic in South Africa, due to the different cultures that are represented. The article shows how South African school dictionaries currently treat these words, and investigates whether they should be treated any differently. The study includes interviews with primary school teachers and parents, and contains descriptions of existing school dictionary entries, both electronic and print. Literature on the following aspects is covered: taboo topics in dictionaries, cultural aspects of sex education in South Africa, and sex education in primary schools globally. The article will show why it is important to treat these terms in a school dictionary in a clear and unambiguous way, despite this causing potential discomfort to some users. The article will conclude with recommendations for the treatment of human reproductive organs in primary schools, as well as recommendations for further research in this area.