Masters Degrees (Faculty of Education (former Departments))

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    The problems of implementing a communicative approach to English as a second language (higher grade)
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1994-12) Van der Merwe, Dawid Johannes; Ridge, E.; Roux, M. L.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1986 a new English Second Language syllabus for the Junior and Senior Secondary Course was introduced in the Cape· Province. The overall aim of the syllabus is communicative competence and it advocates a communicative approach (CA) to teaching English Second Language. At the inception of the communicative approach most teachers were i~rnorant of what it comprised and this study undertook to determine whether teachers understood what Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) was and if they applied it in their teaching. At first the demands of society and how this had influenced language teaching through the ages was investigated. Communicative competence was demanded at different stages in history and it is at these different stages where the CA has its roots. Many of the principles of the CA, it was discovered, had been applied by teachers and theorists many centuries ago. Teachers and theorists who teach language for communication see language in a different light. Language and its unique properties are investigated, and with an emphasis · on language as communication. Different ways of using language to communicate are investigated and questions like ''Where does meaning reside? What are the kinds of meaning?" and "How can we control meaning?" are discussed. Prior to the introduction of the CA, second language teaching had been devoted to mastery of structures. However, with the new insights gained about language and meaning, the focus shifted to meaning in coherent discourse rather than on discrete forms. With the shift in focus teachers also had to adjust their teaching to meet the demands. At this stage a brief discussion of the CA and the essentials of a communicative curriculum is provided. The comparison between traditional and communicative approaches is made. An account of CLT methodology is given, including exploration of communicative competence. Many practical examples of CLT are explained. In the empirical study a questionnaire was distributed to the ESL teachers at thirty schools in the Boland and Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. The aim of the research was to determine whether ESL teachers teach communicatively. The findings of the study were that teachers who were trained before 1986 and those trained subsequently have a limited view of the CA. Consequently they cannot apply it to their teaching and seem to revert to a structural interpretation of the syllabus. This study then, confirms that teachers do not have a full understanding of what the CA comprises and consequently teachers do not teach "communicatively".
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    Wilgenhof : die geskiedenis van 'n losiesinrigting op Stellenbosch
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1939-03) Marais, M. P.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT : No abstract available.
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    Die invloed van familie-huwelike op intelligensie
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1938-11) McLachlan, Philip; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Educational Psychology.
    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werk stel hom ten doel op wetenskaplike wyse die verskynsel van ondertrou (familie-huwelike) nader te ondersoek, teneinde te probeer bepaal of dit enige invloed uitoefen op die intellegensie van die nageslag.
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    The training of ABET educators and educators-in -training in the Nebo-district of the Northern Province
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2000-12) Mminele, Monanana Margaret; Kapp, C. A.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Centre for Higher and Adult Education.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The proper training of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) educators-in-training could play an important role in the eradication of illiteracy in South Africa. ABET is a tool that can be applied to redress the imbalances of the past. Proper training implies the real, effective and accredited training that would be recognized by the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The way the training of ABET educators is presented is lacking some form of recognition from other institutions. The research was undertaken in the Native Employment Bureau Offices (NEBO) District of the Northern Province in South Africa during the period from July 1997 to August 1999. The purpose of the research was twofold. Firstly to establish whether the programmes that are used by the various institutions to train ABET educators in the NEBO district are effective. That is whether those people who had been trained as ABET educators can teach adult learners in such a way that they are accepted by the learners and that there will be a decrease in the high numbers of illiterate people as a result of what ABET learners are taught. Secondly how suitable the people who are used to present these programmes are in relation to what is required of ABET educators. A literature review was done to establish the ABET activities in both developed and developing countries. In each of the countries the need and examples of the training of ABET educators were looked at. It was found that the same problems were experienced. Under the developed countries, Ireland was used as an example and for the developing countries South Africa and Tanzania were studied. In South Africa three ABET training programmes were studied and compared. These progammes are Project Literacy (PROUT), University of South Africa (UNISA) ABET Institute and the Rural Enterprise Agricultural Project (REAP). Qualitative data was obtained by means of the interviews, observation and analysis of existing data from the governmental documents. The result of the qualitative data showed a difference among the four groups of ABET educators. The group that was trained by the past PROUT, UNISA ABET and REAP programmes showed a higher level of understanding and empowerment in training the ABET learners. The present PROUT training programme was not so effective to train ABET educators-in-training. This research showed that the three ABET training programmes were producing different kinds of ABET educators with different status. By status is meant the recognition of the training by means of a certificate or a diploma. The research also indicated that the trainers of the trainees did not implement all of the written materials. The most important recommendation is that the National ABET Directorate should integrate the three training methods for better eradication of illiteracy, by means of well recognized trained ABET educators. The value of the research was that one integrated ABET curriculum was recommended that probably would be better for the achievement of the goals that are set by the National ABET Directorate.
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    The attainment of approximate ambidexterity in throwing and its relation to physical and mental efficiency as well as symmetry of posture
    (Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1944-09) Grundlingh-Malan, Jacomi Elizabeth; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Educational Psychology.
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Activities such as throwing are, as a rule, carried out only with the better arm. Mostly this one-sided execution is due to mere convenience. If attempts are made to justify it, in the main two arguments are advanced: In the first place, it is taken for granted that the inferior arm cannot make appreciable progress anyway, and it is therefore considered as not worthwhile exercising it. In the second place, it is believed that, if the inferior arm should improve by such a practice, this happens at the expense of efficiency in general, and may have detrimental consequences in some regards or other.