2014 October - USB Agenda Magazine

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    Korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid is nie 'n projek nie
    (2013-04) Leuvennink, Jaco
    Daar is ’n behoefte aan ernstige voorraadopname oor die stand van ons planeet, samelewing en ekonomie. Volgens prof Arnold Smit moet die sakewêreld ’n rol speel deur middel van ’n wyer en meer holistiese begrip van korporatiewe verantwoordelikheid. Hy het met Jaco Leuvennink hieroor gepraat.
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    Taking a look at nearly 50 years of USBs existence
    (2013-04) Matthee, Amanda
    As a foretaste of a year filled with memories in 2014, when USB commemorates its 50th anniversary, we look back at some photos of the past 50 years – from the first MBA group to what USB looks like today
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    Dink sake-ontwerp
    (2013-04) Smith, Cherice
    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die aankondiging dat Kaapstad die Wêreldontwerphoofstad 2014 is, het ontwerp ’n gewilde onderwerp geword. Cherice Smith verken ontwerpdenke – ’n proses wat gebruik word om ’n uitdaging deur kreatiwiteit en innovasie in ’n uitvoerbare oplossing te omskep.
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    Think business design
    (2013-04) Smith, Cherice
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the announcement of Cape Town as World Design Capital 2014, design has become a much talked-about topic. Cherice Smith explores design thinking – a process used to turn a challenge into a feasible solution through creativity and innovation.
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    Financing Africa's growth: the role of development finance
    (2014-10) Adjasi, Charles Komla
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: What financial tools do African countries have at their disposal to finance, say, infrastructure projects, small business expansion or household assets? Prof Charles Adjasi, associate professor and head: Development Finance Programmes at the University of Stellenbosch Business School, explores the role of development finance in supporting Africa’s growth.