2011 October - USB Agenda Magazine

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    Liquor advertising: to ban or not to ban
    (2011-10) Haw, Penny
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pressure is mounting from government to ban alcohol advertising but opponents insist the move would cost the country and its inhabitants dearly, and have little effect on alcohol abuse. PENNY HAW examines arguments from both sides.
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    Die twee rompe van 'n katamaran
    (2011-10) Van Rooyen, Marieke
    AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dr George Lindeque het tien jaar gelede na die katamaran-parallel verwys. Hy het voorspel dat die USB en USB-BO se gesamentlike opleidingsmodel mettertyd die doeltreffendheid van hierdie tweerompvaartuig sou bereik. MARIÉKE VAN ROOYEN het die eerste dekade van USB-BO se bestaan gaan verken en die parallelle gevind.
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    Homo empathicus
    (2011-10) Landman, Frik
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: ‘What is it in the conduct of leaders that either brings people together or keeps them apart?’
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    New ways of working
    (2011-10) Matthee, Amanda
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Do people really work differently after their studies? Amanda Matthee asked around.
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    What are we arguing about?
    (2011-10) Powell, John
    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "It is no accident that for a thousand years university students studied both logic and rhetoric alongside such subjects as arithmetic and natural science and theology." This article is written by Professor John Powell, director of the University of Stellenbosch Business School. Powell’s field of expertise is Strategic Analysis and his passion Logic and Critical Thinking.