The experiences of learning facilitators in the Western Cape who work with children on the autism spectrum in mainstream schools

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by deficits in social communication (present in multiple contexts) and restricted and repetitive behaviours, interests and activities. However, each individual’s autism condition is unique, often presenting with co-occurring diagnoses like ADHD and anxiety disorders. Due to the characteristics mentioned above, children with ASD have barriers to learning. This makes it difficult for them to function independently in a mainstream classroom setting. Following an international move towards inclusive education, South Africa passed a bill in 2001, The White Paper 6: Special Needs Education – Building an Inclusive and Training System (WP6). The WP6 allows for the inclusion of all individuals in the mainstream education system and promotes quality education for all learners, including those with ASD. However, children with ASD require additional assistance (emotionally, academically and socially) in classrooms if they are to be successfully included in mainstream schools. The learning facilitator takes the role of assisting such learners. Learning facilitators provide specialised support for individuals with barriers to learning in mainstream schools and are essential to the inclusion process. Given the fact that learning facilitation is a relatively new field in South Africa, there is a paucity of literature on the topic. This qualitative study using semi-structured interviews answers the research question of how learning facilitators in the Western Cape experience working with children on the autism spectrum in mainstream schools. A total of 18 participants were interviewed, all of whom provided written informed consent. The participants were furthermore assured of their anonymity. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim, after which the interviews were analysed using a qualitative software programme. The thematic analysis extracted the experiences of the participants, and the emerging themes were subsequently augmented by the ecological systems theory (EST) as laid out by Bronfenbrenner. Six themes and 19 subthemes were identified using thematic analysis. The findings revealed a lack of understanding of the learning facilitator’s role and a need to clarify the facilitator’s function in the mainstream school environment. Learning facilitators reported that training is inconsistent, leaving most facilitators feeling unprepared. Learning facilitators who did receive more consistent training and had open communication with key role players expressed having a more positive experience and feeling more supported. However, the majority reported feeling unsupported. The participants viewed working together and considering each child as unique as pivotal for successful inclusion. These findings provide evidence that learning facilitators support children with ASD in mainstream schools, each according to their needs. Future research could include the development of training programmes and support groups for learning facilitators. Additionally, it would be helpful for mainstream schools to consider the employment of learning facilitators for all classrooms, as this will assist those South African teachers in challenging environments.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Outismespektrumversteuring (OSV) is ’n neuro-ontwikkelingsversteuring wat geken word deur gebrekkige sosiale kommunikasie in verskillende kontekste, en ʼn herhalende patroon van gedrag, belangstellings en aktiwiteite. Elke individu met OSV presenteer uniek, en die versteuring gaan dikwels gepaard met ander diagnoses, byvoorbeeld aandagafleibaarheid- en hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (AAH) of angsversteuring (AV). Kinders met OSV ervaar struikelblokke ten opsigte van leer, en dit maak dit vir hulle moeilik om optimaal te funksioneer in ʼn hoofstroom klaskamer. In navolging van ʼn internasionale beweging na inklusiewe onderwys, het Suid-Afrika in 2001 ʼn wet, Witskrif 6: Ontwikkeling van ʼn Inklusiewe Onderwys- en Opleidingstelsel (WS6), aanvaar om inklusiewe onderwys in Suid-Afrika te vestig. WS6 maak voorsiening vir die insluiting van alle individue in hoofstroomonderwys en vir die bevordering van kwaliteit onderrig vir alle leerders. Kinders met OSV het egter addisionele ondersteuning in die klaskamer nodig om suksesvol in ʼn hoofstroomskool ingesluit te kan word. Leerfasiliteerders bied gespesialiseerde ondersteuning aan individue met hindernisse in hoofstroomskole en is ʼn noodsaaklike deel van die insluitingsproses. Gegewe die feit dat leerfasilitering ʼn nuwe veld in Suid-Afrika is, is daar beperkte literatuur oor die onderwerp beskikbaar. Gevolglik ondersoek hierdie kwalitatiewe studie met die gebruik van semigestruktureerde onderhoude die ervaringe van leerfasiliteerders wat met kinders met OSV in hoofstroomskole in die Weskaap werk. Die 18 deelnemers het geskrewe toestemming gegee en is verseker dat hulle bydrae anoniem sal bly. Klankopnames is van die onderhoude, waarna dit verbatim getranskribeer en geanaliseer met behulp van ʼn kwalitatiewe sagtewareprogram. Die data is tematies ontleed om die deelnemers se ervaring na vore te bring en daarna deur die lens van sosiale konstruktivisme met die gebruik van die ekologiese stelselmodel (ESM) van Bronfenbrenner geïnterpreteer. Die data het ses temas en 19 subtemas opgelewer. Die bevindinge het uitgewys dat daar ʼn gebrek aan begrip van die rol van ʼn fasiliteerder is en dat die funksie van die fasiliteerder in die klaskamer duidelik gemaak moet word. Leerfasiliteerders het verder uitgelig dat hulle gebrekkige opleiding ontvang het en daarom onvoorbereid voel vir hulle taak. Fasiliteerders wat wel goeie opleiding ontvang het en wat oop kommunikasie met al die rolspelers het, het genoem dat hulle voel hulle word ondersteun en dat hulle toegerus is vir die werk. Die meerderheid het egter gevoel dat die onderstruning onvoldoende is. Die deelnemers het aangedui dat hulle dit belangrik ag om as deel van ʼn span te werk en om elke kind as ʼn unieke geval te benader. Toekomstige navorsing kan bydra deur te kyk na die ontwikkeling van opleidingsprogramme en ondersteuningsgroepe vir fasiliteerders. Verder sal dit behulpsaam wees as skole oorweeg om fasiliteerders in elke klas aan te stel, aangesien dit Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysers wat in uitdagende omstandighede werk sal ondersteun.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Learning facilitator, Autism spectrum disorders in children, Inclusive education, Mainstreaming in education, Ecological Systems Theory, UCTD