“Do this in remembrance of Me :” The Christological and social significance of Luke 22:14-30 for restoring human dignity

dc.contributor.advisorMouton, Elnaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorNel, Marius Johannesen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorEtukumana, Godwinen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Using social-rhetorical hermeneutics, this study examines Jesus’ statement “Do this in remembrance of Me” during the last meal He had with his disciples before He went to the cross – both in the light of the Lucan context and our/modern present context. A careful examination of the text in Luke 22:14-30 poses a challenge to Lucan scholarship as it delves into the reason of the insertion of the phrase in the context of this meal. In the first place, different views as regards the meal are examined so as to present the motif of the meal. It has been discovered that Luke wanted his community to use this meal as a medium of remembering what Jesus was to humanity during his time on earth. Socio-rhetorical analysis helps to appreciate Luke’s rhetorical nuances in presenting this meal scene to his audience. In Chapter two it is revealed that Luke used his sources rhetorically in different textures and patterns to present to his audience that Jesus was the Saviour and a servant-leader. The intertexture of Luke’s material of the meal shows that Luke appealed to his community using Ancient Near Eastern, Greco-Roman socio-cultural rhetoric in order to reiterate what his audience needed to know about Jesus. It reveals Jesus as a broker, patron, and benefactor to his community with the aim of restoring the dignity of humanity. The sacred texture of the Lucan meal shows the ever abiding presence of Jesus in the midst of the community whenever they meet due to the divine power of Jesus. Socio-rhetorical hermeneutics of Luke 22:14-30 explicates that the phrase “Do this in remembrance of Me” in the context is Luke’s rhetorical strategy of encouraging his audience to remember Jesus with the view to imitate his lifestyle and his inclusive approach to the marginalised and the outcasts of society. It is when the community eats the meal concomitantly with the imitation of his lifestyle, especially his approach to God and humanity, that the community will truly remember Jesus and thus restore human dignity in society.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ondersoek van die uitspraak tydens die laaste maaltyd wat Jesus met sy dissipels gehad het voor sy dood aan die kruis, met behulp van sosio-retoriese hermeneutiek, toon die belangrikheid van die stelling, “Doen dit tot my gedagtenis”, in die lig van die Lukaanse gemeenskap en die moderne konteks. ’n Deeglike ondersoek van die teks in Lukas 22:14-30 bied ’n probleem aan die bestudering van die Nuwe Testament, veral vir Lukas-spesialiste, as gevra word na die rede vir die invoeging van die frase binne die konteks van hierdie maaltyd. In die eerste plek word daar gevra na die motivering vir die plasing van die maaltyd binne die teks. Dit blyk dat Lukas sy gemeenskap wou motiveer om hierdie maaltyd te gebruik as ’n middel om te onthou wat Jesus vir die mensdom beteken het gedurende sy tyd op aarde. Sosio-retoriese analise help ons om te bepaal watter retoriese nuanses Lukas gebruik het in die aanbieding van hierdie maaltydtoneel aan sy gehoor. In hoofstuk twee word aan die lig gebring dat Lukas sy bronne in verskillende retoriese teksture en patrone aanbied aan sy gehoor om te toon dat Jesus die Verlosser en ’n dienaar-leier was. Die intertekstuur van die Lukaanse weergawe van die maaltyd toon dat Lukas met behulp van Ou Nabye Oosterse en Grieks-Romeinse bronne, asook sosio-kulturele retoriek ’n beroep op sy gemeenskap doen om Jesus regtig te leer ken. Dit toon Jesus as ’n bemiddelaar, beskermheer, en weldoener aan sy gemeenskap ten einde die herstel van die waardigheid van die mensdom te bewerk. Die heilige tekstuur van die Lukaanse maaltyd toon die ewigblywende geskenk van Jesus aan die gemeenskap en die feit dat die gemeenskap alles te danke het aan die goddelike krag van Jesus. Sosio-retoriese hermeneutiek van Lukas 22:14-30 maak dit duidelik dat die frase, “Doen dit tot my gedagtenis”, binne die konteks ’n retoriese strategie is waarmee Lukas sy gehoor wou leer om Jesus se leefstyl na te boots en sy inklusiewe benadering ten opsigte van die gemarginaliseerdes en uitgeworpenes van die samelewing te onthou. Dit is wanneer die gemeenskap die maaltyd eet en sy lewenstyl naboots, veral sy handelinge en benadering tot God en die mensdom, dat die gemeenskap werklik vir Jesus sal onthou en so menswaardigheid in die gemeenskap sal herstel.en_ZA
dc.format.extentv, 122 leaves : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rightsStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectDignity -- Religious aspects -- Christianityen_ZA
dc.subjectJesus -- Person and officesen_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Luke, XXII, 14-30 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Old and New Testamenten_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Old and New Testamenten_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Theologyen_ZA
dc.title“Do this in remembrance of Me :” The Christological and social significance of Luke 22:14-30 for restoring human dignityen_ZA
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