Characterisation and consequences of urban water resilience at the human-mycobiota interface: risk versus reward
dc.contributor.advisor | Wolfaardt, Gideon M. | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.advisor | Stone, Wendy | en_ZA | | Smith, Katrin Mary Geneve | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Microbiology. | en_ZA | | 2024-03-01T09:42:02Z | | | 2024-04-26T12:46:25Z | | | 2024-03-01T09:42:02Z | | | 2024-04-26T12:46:25Z | | | 2024-03 | |
dc.description | Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2024. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Urban waters reflect the confluence of microbial ecology and anthropogenic influences. The interactions of microorganisms, chemical micropollutants (MPs) and the surrounding environment require in-depth delineation with a dual purpose. While microbes and MPs can pose risks to humans and ecology, an understanding of physico-chemical, species dynamics and intrinsic MP resilience at the microbial-contaminant interface can benefit future MP attenuation strategies. Therefore, the goal of this research was to characterise and harness urban river microbial and chemical constituents, and the interplay thereof. Moreover, focus was placed on the assessment of fungi and antifungals (AFs), represented by comparatively less literature than bacteria and antibiotics. An environmental survey of representative antifungals in regional rivers revealed nanogram per litre concentrations in alignment with similarly low-risk levels detected globally. Trends reflected agricultural practises and medical use, showing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) influence on rivers. Bioassays detected androgen (AR) antagonistic and aryl-hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) activity from agricultural fungicides, and AF-MP mixture responses could be attributed to individual effects of carbendazim, dimethomorph, flusilazole and procymidone. Moreover, concentration factors applied to achieve toxicity quantification were ten- to 100-fold higher than the average MP levels detected in local and global waters. This indicates more beneficial bioassay utility for whole effluent or environmental samples with elevated MPs and metabolites, where concentrations are inherently higher than typical river water. Analyses of fungi in riverine consortia revealed limited clinically- relevant taxa that were associated with elevated pollution. The acclimatisation of consortia to sterile river water, containing MPs, in bioreactors favoured community shifts toward environmental rather than opportunistic taxa. Acclimatised microbiota were thereafter exposed to AF and AF-MP mixtures in reactors, the former containing low and the latter 100-fold higher microgram (per litre) concentrations. Fungal numbers increased despite limiting conditions including the presence of inhibitory AFs. After in vitro exposure, AF susceptibility differences were assessed with two medical and agricultural AFs apiece. Inherent levels of resilience in the consortia were apparent, with enhancement observed post-exposure, particularly toward fungicides. This was more evident in communities exposed to sub-inhibitory AFs, compared to the MP mixture, aligning with reports on exacerbated drug-resistance in environmental taxa subject to consistent contact with low-level antimicrobial (AM) and non-AM mixtures. However, despite an increased risk of AFR, the observation of resilience toward MPs demonstrates advantages for environmental consortia in bioremedial applications, as sub-inhibitory exposure does not limit metabolism or survival. As such, MP degradation potential was investigated in continuous flow reactors under environmental conditions. Significantly higher removal rates were observed for inoculated reactors compared to uninoculated controls. Despite the presence of broad-spectrum AFs, the microbiota exhibited higher removal rates for several AFs compared to other MPs. The biological reactors also significantly reduced estrogenicity to below human toxicity thresholds. Although some MP removal rates were lower than reported in exploratory literature on fungal or mixed microbial WW treatments, the aim of this study was to investigate unmanipulated consortia in energy- and cost-effective conditions representing parameters that remain less explored. Field-scale, feasible bioremediation setups are critical for future remediation of anthropogenic pollution and protection of water resources. Urban waters comprise both the natural interplay of microorganisms and MPs in surface waters, and the harnessing of these interactions in engineered ecosystems, including WWTPs. Environmental and manipulated settings apply direct and indirect pressures on microbiota, the consequences of which may be negative or advantageous. Monitoring for MPs, microbes and drug-resistance is important for characterising potential human and ecosystem health risks. On the other hand, the predisposition of microbiota toward MP resilience, and their adaptability to a wide range of conditions, provides opportunity for microbiological applications in MP attenuation. This research contributes toward an understanding of ecological dynamics at the microbial-contaminant interface to help inform the development of energy- and cost- efficient bioremediation strategies. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stedelike water weerspieël die samevloeiing van mikrobiese ekologie en antropogeniese invloede. Die interaksies van mikroörganismes, chemiese mikrobesoedelingstowwe (MP's) en die omliggende omgewing vereis ‘n in-diepte omskrywing met 'n twee-delige doel. Terwyl mikrobes en MP's risiko's vir mense en ekologie kan inhou, kan 'n begrip van fisies-chemiese, spesie-dinamika en intrinsieke MP- veerkragtigheid by die mikrobiese-kontaminant interfase, toekomstige MP-onderdrukkingstrategieë bevoordeel. Daarom was die doel van hierdie navorsing om stedelike rivier mikrobes en chemiese stowwe, en die wisselwerking daarvan, te karakteriseer en te benut. Boonop is gefokus op die assessering van swamme en antifungale middels (AF's), wat betreklik minder in die literatuur beskryf word as bakterieë en antibiotika. 'n Omgewingsopname van verteenwoordigende antifungale middels in streeksriviere het nanogram per liter konsentrasies aan die lig gebring wat ooreenstem met soortgelyke lae risikovlakke wat wêreldwyd opgespoor is. Tendense het landboupraktyke en mediese gebruik weerspieël, wat die invloed van afvalwaterbehandelingsaanlegte (AWBA) op riviere toon. Biotoetse het androgeen (AR) antagonistiese en ariel-koolwaterstofreseptor (AhR) aktiwiteit van landbou swamdoders opgespoor, en AF-MP mengsel reaksies kan toegeskryf word aan individuele effekte van karbendasim, dimetomorf, flusilasool en prosimidoon. Boonop was konsentrasiefaktore wat toegepas is om toksisiteitskwantifisering te bereik tien- tot 100 keer hoër as die gemiddelde MP-vlakke wat in plaaslike en globale water opgespoor is. Dit dui op ‘n meer voordelige biotoets-nut vir heel uitvloeisel of omgewingsmonsters met verhoogde MP's en metaboliete, waar konsentrasies inherent hoër is as tipiese rivierwater. Ontledings van swamme in rivierkonsortia het beperkte klinies-relevante taksa aan die lig gebring wat met verhoogde besoedeling geassosieer is. Die akklimatisering van konsortia by steriele rivierwater, wat MP's bevat, in bioreaktore het gemeenskapsverskuiwings na omgewings- eerder as opportunistiese taksa bevoordeel. Geaklimatiseerde mikrobiota is daarna aan AF en AF-MP mengsels in reaktore blootgestel, eersgenoemde het lae en laasgenoemde 100-maal hoër mikrogram (per liter) konsentrasies bevat. Swamgetalle het toegeneem ten spyte van beperkende toestande, insluitend die teenwoordigheid van inhiberende AF's. Na in vitro blootstelling, is verskille in AF vatbaarheid geassesseer met twee mediese en landbou AF's elk. Inherente vlakke van veerkragtigheid in die konsortia was duidelik, met verbetering na-blootstelling, veral teenoor swamdoders. Dit was duideliker in gemeenskappe wat aan sub-inhiberende AF's blootgestel is, in vergelyking met die MP- mengsel, wat ooreenstem met verslae oor verhoogde middelweerstandigheid in omgewingstaksa, onderhewig aan konsekwente kontak met lae-vlak antimikrobiese (AM) en nie-AM mengsels. Ten spyte van 'n verhoogde risiko van AFR, toon die waarneming van veerkragtigheid teenoor MP's egter voordelig vir omgewingskonsortia in bioremediërende toepassings, aangesien sub-inhiberende blootstelling nie metabolisme of oorlewing beperk nie. As sodanig, is MP-degradasiepotensiaal in deurlopende vloeireaktore onder omgewingstoestande ondersoek. Aansienlik is hoër verwyderingstempo's waargeneem vir geïnokuleerde reaktors in vergelyking met ongeïnokuleerde kontroles. Ten spyte van die teenwoordigheid van’n breëspektrum-AF's, het die mikrobiota hoër verwyderingsyfers vir verskeie AF's getoon in vergelyking met ander MP's. Die biologiese reaktore het ook estrogenisiteit aansienlik verminder tot onder menslike toksisiteitsdrempels. Alhoewel sommige MP-verwyderingsyfers laer was as wat in literatuur gerapporteer is oor swam- of gemengde mikrobiese WW-behandelings, was die doel van hierdie studie om ongemanipuleerde konsortia te ondersoek, in energie- en koste-effektiewe toestande, wat parameters verteenwoordig wat minder ondersoek word. Veldskaal en haalbare bioremediëringsopstellings is van kritieke belang vir toekomstige remediëring van antropogeniese besoedeling en beskerming van waterbronne. Stedelike water behels beide die natuurlike wisselwerking van mikroörganismes en MP's in oppervlakwater, en die benutting van hierdie interaksies in gemanipuleerde ekosisteme, insluitend AWBA's. Omgewings- en gemanipuleerde instellings plaas direkte en indirekte druk op mikrobiota, waarvan die gevolge negatief of voordelig kan wees. Monitering vir MP's, mikrobes en dwelmweerstand is belangrik vir die karakterisering van potensiële menslike en ekosisteem gesondheidsrisiko's. Aan die ander kant, bied die aanleg van mikrobiota vir MP-veerkragtigheid, en hul aanpasbaarheid by 'n wye reeks toestande, geleentheid vir mikrobiologiese toepassings in MP-onderdrukking. Hierdie navorsing dra by tot 'n begrip van ekologiese dinamika by die mikrobiese-kontaminant interfase om die ontwikkeling van energie- en kostedoeltreffende bioremediëringstrategieë te bevorder. | af_ZA |
dc.description.version | Doctorate | en_ZA |
dc.format.extent | xvi, 117 pages : illustrations (some color) | en_ZA |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en_ZA | en_ZA |
dc.language.iso | en_ZA | en_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Urban water -- Ecology | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Water-supply -- Effect of environment on | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Water -- Effect of human beings on | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Microbial ecology -- Effect of water pollution on | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Wastewater treatment plants | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Micropollutants -- Environmental aspects | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Gene expression | en_ZA | | UCTD | en_ZA |
dc.title | Characterisation and consequences of urban water resilience at the human-mycobiota interface: risk versus reward | en_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis | en_ZA |
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