An exploration of lower limb prosthetics service delivery in Namibia in comparison to global standards

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: In 2017, the World Health Organisation published prosthetics and orthotics standards that are aimed at improving prosthetics and orthotics services internationally. The standards are meant to assist member states to improve prosthetics service delivery. The prosthetics standards document calls for the comparison of “the national prosthetics systems and services with the complete set of standards to derive a baseline against which to monitor further development” (WHO, 2017: xxi). Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the status of lower limb prosthetics service delivery in the public healthcare system of Namibia and compare it against the World Health Organisation`s global standards for prosthetics and orthotics. Methods: A sequential mixed methods design was adopted for this study where qualitative (descriptive) and quantitative (cross-sectional survey) data were collected and analysed sequentially. The study was carried out in Namibia's Khomas (urban) and Oshana (rural) regions. Insufficient records necessitated non-probability sampling in both settings and phases. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with two service managers, nine service providers, and 16 prosthetics service users guided by interview schedules. Quantitative data were collected from two service managers, ten service providers, and 120 lower limb prosthetics service users. A survey was developed for managers and providers while users completed the TAPES-R. Content analysis was used for the qualitative data. The 60 standards provided deductive themes. Quantitative data was mainly analysed descriptively. Data from the two phases was triangulated and presented together. Findings: Findings showed that 12 of the 60 standards were implemented in Namibia. A further 28 were partially adhered to, while 20 were not implemented at all. Namibia had national policies that guide prosthetic service delivery, but the policies were outdated and not well adhered to. The study established that funding was available but insufficient. There was a wide range of prosthetics products available at no cost to users. Users’ needs were mostly met by available prosthetic products except for the ability to perform vigorous activities and participate in sports, which were limited for 90.8% (n=109) and 87.5% (n=105) of users respectively. Service users 82.6% (n=99) were satisfied with their prosthetic devices and the prostheses allowed them to be economically active 75.0% (n=90). Service providers were well-trained but did not regularly participate in continuous professional development. Training to qualify as a prosthetics service provider was not available in Namibia and in-service training opportunities were scarce. The number of service providers was insufficient. Lower limb prosthetics services were provided to all in need but often this involved long travel distances (mean 258.38 km; sd 265.611) as services at the primary level were not readily available. Users were not involved in policy development and implementation. Experienced users had the choice of products and providers, but first-time users did not. Users were provided with training, follow-up, and repairs. There was little collaboration with other team members during prosthetic rehabilitation. Conclusion: The study showed that more efforts are needed toward improving the delivery of lower limb prosthetics services in Namibia and upgrading them to levels that are in accordance with the World Health Organisation standards. It was concluded that a systems approach, based on the ten ‘Ps’ of systems thinking in assistive technology, could be adopted as a conceptual framework to identify interventions that can be most effective and efficient in efforts to meet the required standards.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie het in 2017 standaarde vir ortotiese en prostetiese dienste gepubliseer. The doel van die standaarde is om lande te help om hul ortotiese and prostetiese dienste te verbeter. Die dokument vra dat nasionale prostetiese sisteme en dienste met die standaarde vergelyk sal word om `n basislyn te bepaal waarteen toekomstige ontwikkeling gemoniteer kan word. Doelstelling: Die doel van die studie was om die status van onderste ledemaat prostetiese dienste in die publieke gesondheidsisteem in Namibia te ondersoek en te vergelyk met die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie se standaarde vir ortotiese en prostetiese dienste. Metodes: `n Opeenvolgende gemengde metode studie ontwerp was gebruik. Kwalitatiewe (beskrywend) en kwantitatiewe (deursnit opname) data was opeenvolgend ingesamel en geanaliseer. Die studie was in die Khomas (stedelik) en Oshana (landelik) areas gedoen. `n Gebrek aan kontak besonderhede het veroorsaak dat `n toeganklikheids steekproef geneem was in beide fases en kontekste. Kwalitatiewe data was met semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude ingesamel. Onderhoude was met 2 diensbestuurders, 9 diensleweraars and 16 verbruikers gevoer. Kwantitatiewe data was ingesamel van 2 diensbestuurders, 10 diensleweraars and 120 verbruikers. `n Vraelys is opgestel waarmee data van bestuurders en diensleweraars verkry is. Diensverbruikers het die TAPES-R vraelys voltooi. Inhouds- en beskrywende analise is onderskeidelik gedoen. Die 60 standaarde was gebruik as temas. Bevindinge: Twaalf van die 60 standaarde was geimplimenteer in Namibia. `n Verdere 28 was gedeeltelik geimplimenteer. Twintig was glad nie geimplimenteer nie. Daar was nasionale beleid oor prostetiese dienslewering, maar die beleid was verouderd en swak geimplimenteer. Fondse was beskikbaar maar onvoldoende. `n Wye verskeidenheid prostetiese produkte was gratis aan verbruikers verskaf. Die produkte het grootliks aan verbruikers se behoeftes voldoen alhoewel hulle nie aktiwiteite soos dra van swaar goed (90.8%) en sport (87.5%) daarmee kon doen nie. Verbruikers was tevrede met die produkte. Die prostese het hulle gehelp om aan ekonomiese aktiwiteite (75.0%) deel te neem. Diensverskaffers was goed opgelei, maar het nie gereeld aan professionele ontwikkelings aktiwiteite deelgeneem nie. Daar was geen prostetiese opleidingsprogramme in Namibia nie. Indiensopleidings geleenthede was skaars. Daar was ook nie `n voldoende getal diensleweraars nie. Onderste ledemaat prostetiese dienste was aan almal wat die nodig gehad het verskaf. Dienste was nie geredelik beskikbaar op primêre vlak nie en verbruikers moes soms ver reis (gemiddeld 258.38 km; sd 265.611) om dienste te bekom. Verbuikers het nie deelgeneem and beleids ontwikkeling en implementering nie. Ervare verbruikers kon produkte en diensleweraars kies. Opleiding, opvolg en hersteldienste is veskaf. Daar was min samewerking met ander lede van die span tydens rehabilitasie. Gevolgtrekking: Die studie het gewys dat prostetiese dienste in Namibia verbeter moet word om aan die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie se standaarde te voldoen. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat `n sistemiese benadering, gebaseer op die 10 Ps van sistemiese denke in hulpmiddel tegnologie gebruik kan word as `n konseptuele raamwerk om die mees effektiewe ingrypings te identifiseer, in `n poging om die vereiste standaarde the bereik.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.