Die waarde van flikkergrafie in die hantering van enkelnodules van die tiroied

dc.contributor.authorVan Heerden, B. B. see Van Heerden, Barend B.
dc.contributor.authorVan Heerden, P. D. R.
dc.contributor.authorVan Zyl, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorBouwer, E. L.
dc.contributor.authorVan Heerden, Barend B.
dc.descriptionThe original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.za
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The value of radionuclide scanning of the thyroid gland was investigated in 125 patients with solitary thyroid nodules. Fifty seven of the 95 patients with 'cold' nodules underwent surgery. The incidence of malignant nodules in this group was 16%, therefore surgery is recommended for all solitary 'cold' nodules. Of the 30 patients with 'warm' nodules, 20 were treated surgically and in only 1 patient was the nodule malignant. This incidence is probably not significant. Surgery is, however, also recommended for all solitary 'warm' nodules because of the possibility of toxic change. Accurate planning of the surgical procedure depends on any function of the nodule in question and this can be determined with certainty only by radionuclide scanning.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die waarde van radio-isotoop f1ikkergrafie as 'n roetine diagnostiese hulpmiddel in nodulere siekte van die tiroied is onlang deur Dent et al./ asook deur Lorentz,' bevraagteken. Eersgenoemde outeurs is van mening dat alle enkelnodules van die tiro'ied chirurgies verwyder moet word en dat f1ikkergrafie nie hierdie beslissing kan beinvloed nie. Lorentz' beweer dat ftikkergrafie nie bydra tot die kliniese diagnose nie, maar wel nuttig is in die akkurate beplanning van die chirurgiese ingreep. Die doel van die huidige studie is om die waarde van f1ikkergrafie in enkelnodules van die tiroied te bepaal aan die hand van die ondervinding en beleid by die Tiro'iedkliniek, Tygerberg-hospitaal.af_ZA
dc.description.versionPublishers' version
dc.format.extent2 p.
dc.identifier.citationVan Heerden, B.B. et al. 1977. Die waarde van flikkergrafie in die hantering van enkelnodules van die tiroied. SA Medical Journal, 9 April: 513-514.
dc.identifier.issn2078-5135 (online) 0256-9574 (print)
dc.rights.holderThe authors
dc.subjectThyroid gland -- Radionuclide imagingen_ZA
dc.subjectThyroid gland -- Cytologyen_ZA
dc.titleDie waarde van flikkergrafie in die hantering van enkelnodules van die tiroiedaf_ZA
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