Die sosio-ekonomiese impak van Saldanha staal op groter Saldanha en ongewing

dc.contributor.advisorPienaar, W.
dc.contributor.authorPieters, Carisa Simone
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Dept. of Sustainable Development Planning & Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT:The study focus on the Greater Saldanha and environment by evaluating the socio-economic impact of the Saldanha Steel project on the area. Major development projects, like the SSP, can create significant impact on the socioeconomic features within the region of influence. This impact affects the provision of public services (education, health services, police protection), social services (housing, transport, urban land use) as well as the fiscal features of the region. Following the National elections in 1994, the new government implemented the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) to address social and economic problems in specific regions. The RDP was followed by the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategy. Spatial Development Initiatives (SDI's), form part of the GEAR strategy and aims to address regional differences and promote sustainable long term development, economic growth and employment in the region. The West coast Investment Initiative (Well) is one of the eight SDI's that were identified. The Saldanha Steel project (SSP) is the focus project of the WCII. The initiative is a mixed industrial and agrotourism SDI. Great expectations were formed with respect to the number of employment opportunities that would be provided by the SSP, as well as the economic progress and development within the region. This study project evaluates the socio-economic impact of the SSP by focussing on the demographic aspects, social infrastructure and services, employment and income, housing and development, infrastructure provision as well as the SSP's involvement within the communities of Greater Saldanha and environment.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie fokus op Groter Saldanha en omgewing deur die sosio-ekonomiese impak van die Saldanha Staal projek (SSP) op die gebied te evalueer. Groot ontwikkelingsprojekte, soos die SSP, kan 'n groot impak maak op die sosio-ekonomiese kenmerke binne die streek of area van invloed. Die impak word veral ervaar in die verskaffing van publieke dienste (opvoeding, gesondheisdienste, polisie), sosiale dienste (behuising, vervoer, stedelike grondgebruik) sowel as die fiskale karaktertrekke van die streek. Na die Nasionale verkiesing in 1994, het die nuwe regering die Heropbou en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP) geimplementeer om sosiale en ekonomiese probleme aan te spreek. Die HOP is in 1996 gevolg deur die "Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategie. As deel van die GEAR strategie, is Ruimtelike ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe deur die Nasionale Regering ingestel om streeksongelykhede aan te spreek en volhoubare lang termyn ontwikkeling, ekonomiese groei en werksgeleenthede te verseker vir die streek. Ag ruimtelike ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe (ROI) is ingestel, waarvan die Weskus Beleggingsinisiatief een is. Die Saldanha Staal projek (SSP) is die fokusprojek van die Weskus Beleggingsinisiatief. Die inisiatief is geidentifiseer as 'n gemengde industrieële en landboutoerisme ROI. Groot verwagtinge is geskep ten opsigte van die hoeveelheid werksgeleenthede wat geskep sal word deur die SSP, sowel as ekonomiese vooruitgang en ontwikkeling binne die streek. Die werkstuk evalueer die sosio-ekonomiese impak van die SSP deur te fokus op demografiese aspekte, sosiale infrastruktuur en dienste, indiensneming en inkome, behuising en ontwikkeling, infrastruktuurvoorsiening sowel as die SSP se betrokkenheid by die gemeenskappe van die Groter Saldanha en omgewing.af_ZA
dc.format.extent79 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSaldanha Bay (South Africa) -- Economic conditionsen_ZA
dc.subjectSaldanha Bay (South Africa) -- Social conditionsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.titleDie sosio-ekonomiese impak van Saldanha staal op groter Saldanha en ongewingaf_ZA
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