A discourse analysis of education for social justice focusing on sustainable development, equality and economic development : implications for teaching and learning

dc.contributor.advisorVan Wyk, B.en
dc.contributor.advisorLe Grange, L. L. L.en
dc.contributor.authorWaghid, Zayden_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Department of Education Policy Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation offers a critical discourse analysis of the Grade 11 Economics Further Education and Training learning goals in relation to the Growth and Development Policy Frameworks promulgated by the democratic government of South Africa. Specifically, through an interpretive analysis of both text and context, this dissertation examines the possibility of an education for social justice in the forms of sustainable development, equity and economic development manifesting in a local high school, more specifically in the teaching and learning in the Economics classroom. With the aid of a critical discourse analysis of three films – An Inconvenient Truth, Into the Wild and The Gods Must Be Crazy – supported by analyses of the learners’ comments on Facebook in relation to the films and the learners’ interview comments, it was found that it is possible to cultivate an education for social justice in a classroom, as is evident from the following justifications: First, the learners and I (as educator) developed a critical awareness and acquired more informed understandings of social injustices, such as unsustainable forms of human experience, societal inequities, and the negative effects of economic under-development that work against issues of need, equality, and desert – all aspects of social justice; second, the learners were initiated into inclusive, deliberative and equal pedagogical relations through which they developed an enhanced cognitive ability to express their points of view; and third, the learners and I came to the distinct realisation that social injustice can only be addressed through an internalisation of the transformative learning goals of the Economics curriculum commensurate with the goals of the Growth and Development Policy Frameworks (GDPFs), which should provoke us into bringing about social change both within and beyond the classroom. Despite the criticism that an education for social justice is not always attentive to the learning goals of the curriculum, this study has found that it is possible to cultivate an autonomous self who is cognisant of social change; pedagogical relations that are constituted by deliberations, inclusivity and the equal expression of informed speech; and a form of human agency that can disrupt societal inequities and oppressions without always having to be told (by an educator) to do so.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ’n kritiese diskoersanalise van die leerdoelwitte van Verdere Onderwys en Opleiding aan met betrekking tot Graad 11 Ekonomie, in samehang met die Groei- en Ontwikkelingsbeleidsraamwerke wat deur die demokratiese regering van Suid-Afrika gepromulgeer is. Meer spesifiek ondersoek hierdie proefskrif met behulp van ’n verklarende ontleding van beide teks en konteks die moontlikheid dat ’n opvoeding vir sosiale geregtigheid in die vorme van volhoubare ontwikkeling, billikheid, en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in ’n plaaslike hoërskool kan manifesteer, meer spesifiek in die onderrig en leer in ’n Ekonomie klaskamer. Met behulp van ’n kritiese diskoersanalise van drie rolprente – An Inconvenient Truth, Into the Wild, en The Gods Must Be Crazy – ondersteun deur ’n analise van die leerders se kommentaar oor die rolprente op Facebook en die leerders se werkstukke en kommentare in fokusgroeponderhoude, is bevind dat dit moontlik is om ’n opvoeding vir sosiale geregtigheid in ’n klaskamer te ontwikkel, soos uit die volgende regverdigings duidelik is: Eerstens, ek (as opvoeder) en die leerders het ’n kritiese bewussyn ontwikkel en ’n meer ingeligte begrip van sosiale ongeregtighede bekom, naamlik onvolhoubare vorme van menslike ervaring, sosiale onbillikheid, en die negatiewe uitwerkinge van ekonomiese onderontwikkeling wat werk teen aspekte van sosiale geregtigheid soos kwessies van behoefte, gelykheid, en beloning; tweedens, die leerders het hulleself in inklusiewe, beraadslagende en gelyke pedagogiese verhoudings geïnisieer waardeur hulle ’n uitgebreide kognitiewe vermoë ontwikkel het om hulle opinies uit te druk; en derdens, ek en die leerders het tot die unieke besef gekom dat sosiale geregtigheid slegs aangespreek kan word deur middel van ’n internalisering van die transformerende leerdoelwitte van die Ekonomie kurrikulum, in samehang met die doelwitte van die Groei- en Ontwikkelingbeleidsraamwerke (GOBRe), wat ons moet prikkel om sosiale verandering binne en buite die klaskamer te bewerkstellig. Ten spyte van die kritiek dat ’n opvoeding vir sosiale geregtigheid nie noodwendig bedagsaam is teenoor die doelwitte van die kurrikulum nie, het hierdie studie bevind dat dit wel moontlik is om die volgende te ontwikkel: ’n outonome self wat bewus is van sosiale verandering; pedagogiese verhoudings wat bestaan uit beraadslaging, inklusiwiteit en die gelyke uitdrukking van ingeligte spraak; en ’n vorm van menslike agentskap wat sosiale onbillikhede en onderdrukking kan ontwrig sonder dat daar altyd (deur die opvoeder) voorgeskryf moet word .af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen
dc.subjectSocial Justice -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable Development -- South Africa
dc.subjectEconomics -- Teaching and learning
dc.titleA discourse analysis of education for social justice focusing on sustainable development, equality and economic development : implications for teaching and learningen_ZA
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