Field testing of the revised paediatric food-based dietary guidelines among siswati speaking mothers/caregivers of children aged 0–36 months in Kabokweni, Mpumalanga, South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Introduction: The significant occurrence of malnutrition among South African children necessitated the formulation of the Paediatric Food-Based Dietary Guidelines. These guidelines are short, nutrition messages aimed at improving the nutritional status of children. The formulation of the Paediatric Food-Based Dietary Guidelines has been revised, but they still require testing in different communities in order to determine the applicability and feasibility thereof. Aim: To determine the comprehension and feasibility of the revised Paediatric Food-Based Dietary Guidelines among SiSwati-speaking mothers/caregivers of children aged 0–36 months living in Kabokweni, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Methods: A qualitative research approach was used to achieve the aim. The study was set in Kabokweni, and the mothers/caregivers living in this community were selected as the study population. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to recruit a total of 75 participants, who formed 12 groups. Data was collected by means of focus group discussions. Results: The results indicated that this community was generally aware of the nutrition messages presented in the Paediatric Food-Based Dietary Guidelines and that they had a fair comprehension thereof. Comprehension of the guidelines was linked to the feasibility thereof and to the socio-economic status of the participants. Enablers to the feasibility of the guidelines were mainly the importance of the messages and the positive impacts that they have on children. Barriers included misinterpretation of the guidelines, specific disease conditions and lack of money and resources. Generally, these barriers could be overcome by thorough and appropriate nutrition education and education on the sustainable use of available resources. Cconclusion: Nutrition is one of the many aspects that affects the development of young children. It is thus an important factor to consider in ensuring that children grow and develop adequately. The Paediatric Food-Based Dietary Guidelines can be used to educate children, parents, caregivers, healthcare providers and educators on the correct nutritional practices for children aged 0–5 years, thereby ensuring the healthy growth and development of young children in South Africa.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Inleiding: Die opmerklike voorkoms van wanvoeding onder Suid-Afrikaanse kinders het aanleiding gegee tot die ontwikkeling van die Pediatriese Voedsel-Gebaseerde Dieetriglyne. Die doel van die kort voedingsverwante boodskappe is om die voedingstatus van kinders te verbeter. Die riglyne is al hersien sedert die ontwikkeling daarvan, maar is nog nie getoets in verskillende gemeenskappe om te bepaal of dit toepaslik en haalbaar is nie. Doelwit: Om die begrip en toepaslikheid van die hersiene Pediatriese Voedselgebaseerde Dieetriglyne onder SiSwati-sprekende moeders/versorgers van kinders tussen die ouderdom van 0 en 36 maande wat in Kabokweni, Mpumalanga, Suid-Afrika woon te bepaal. Metodes: Kwalitatiewe navorsing is gebruik om die doel te bereik. Die studie het plaasgevind in Kabokweni en die moeders/versorgers wat in die gemeenskap bly is gebruik vir die studiepopulasie. Doelgerigte - en sneeubal steekproefneming is gebruik om 75 deelnemers te werf, wat 12 groepe gevorm het. Data is ingesamel deur middel van fokusgroepbesprekings. Resultate: Die resultate het aangedui dat hierdie gemeenskap in die algemeen bewus was van die voedingsboodskappe wat uitgebeeld word in the Pediatriese Voedselgebaseerde Dieetriglyne en dat hulle dit redelik goed verstaan het. Dit is gevind dat die begrip en toepaslikheid van die riglyn verwant was, asook die begrip en sosio-ekonomiese status van deelnemers. Die erkenning van die belangrikheid van die riglyne asook die positiewe impak wat dit op kinders het was hoofsaaklik aansporing vir toepassing van die riglyne. Faktore wat as struikelblokke vir toepassing van die riglyne gedien het, sluit in waninterpretasie van die riglyne, spesifieke siektetoestande en ‘n tekort aan geld en hulpbronne. Hierdie struikelblokke kan in die algemeen oorkom word deur deeglike en toepaslike voedingsonderrig asook onderrig oor die volhoubare gebruik van die beskikbare hulpbronne. Gevolgtrekking: Voeding vorm deel van verskeie aspekte wat die ontwikkeling van jong kinders beïnvloed. Dit is dus `n belangrike faktor om aan aandag te gee om te verseker dat kinders voldoende groei en ontwikkel. Die Pediatriese Voedselgebaseerde Dieetriglyne kan gebruik word om kinders, ouers, versorgers, gesondheidswerkers en opvoeders op te voed oor die korrekte voedingspraktyke vir kinders 0-5 jaar, en so gesonde groei en ontwikkeling van kinders in Suid-Afrika verseker.
Thesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Paediatric Food-Based Dietary Guidelines, Children -- Nutrition -- Ehlanzeni Region (South Africa), Nutrition -- Requirements, Swazi (African people), UCTD