St J Page Yako's poetry of prominent people

Stengile, Msuthukazi Nontuthuzelo Unity
Yako, St. J. PageIkhwezi
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter which marks the introductory chapter deals with the general introduction to the entire study, the scope of the study, statement of the aim and objectives of this study, also looks at the research methods and gives St J Page Mbalana Yako's brief biographical sketch. The second chapter provides a brief theoretical background to the study of poetry. This forms the basis upon which the entire study will rest as it provides different poetic devices and stylistics, which reveal what makes poetry. The third and fourth chapters concentrate on a critical evaluation of Yako's poems. The poetry, which is presented in these chapters, is selected from Yako's anthology entitled Ikhwezi. It represents a particular genre from a wide range of poetic forms that Yako has written. Chapter three concentrates on educators and the achievements of certain individuals. Chapter four concentrates on traditional leaders. It is in this chapter that Yako displays his expertise in the use of excellent and appropriate poetic devices and stylistics in his poetry. The fifth chapter contains general conclusions drawn from the entire study. Translations are provided for each poem and are contained in the appendix that is found at the end of this study, which is immediately followed by the bibliography. Yako's endeavour to bring light to the nation through poetry is admirable. Further research will unearth more art and craft in this author's poetry.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is verdeel in vyf hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk bied In algemene inleiding tot die hele studie. Dit omskryf die omvang van die studie, die doelstelling en oogmerke, die navorsingsmetodologie, en gee In kort biografiese skets van St. J. Page Mbalana Yako. Die tweede hoofstuk gee 'n kort teoretiese agtergrond oor die studie van poësie. Dié hoofstuk dien as die basis vir die hele studie, omdat dit verskillende poëtiese middele en stylvorme uitlig wat die verskynsel van poësie verklaar. In die derde en vierde hoofstukke word gefokus op In kritiese evaluering van Yako se gedigte. Die gedigte wat in hierdie hoofstukke aangebied word, is geselekteer uit Yako se bloemlesing, getiteld Ikhwezi. Dit verteenwoordig 'n sekere genre uit In wye reeks poëtiese vorme wat deur Yako gebruik is. Hoofstuk drie se fokus is op opvoeders en die prestasies van sekere individue, en hoofstuk vier konsentreer op tradisionele leiers. In hierdie hoofstuk word Yako se kundigheid in die gebruik van uitstekende en toepaslike poëtiese middele en stylvorme uitgelig. Die vyfde hoofstuk bevat algemene afleidings gemaak uit die hele studie. Vertalings vir elke gedig word gegee in die bylae aan die einde van die studie. Yako se poëtiese bydrae is bewonderenswaardig. Verdere navorsing sal nog meer kuns en vernuf in hierdie digter se poësie na vore bring.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002
Yako, St. J. Page -- Criticism and interpretation, Xhosa poetry -- History and criticism