A critical ethnography of the Vona du Toit Creative Ability Model (VdTMoCA) in the South African occupational therapy context

dc.contributor.advisorvan Niekerk, Lanaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorDuncan, Eveen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorZelda, Coetzeeen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. Occupational Therapy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: The Vona du Toit Model of Creative Ability (VdTMoCA) influenced South African occupational therapy education and practice for over 40 years. Limited empirical evidence for the Model exists. A first study verified the original levels of Creative Ability in 2010. Philosophical assumptions underpinning the Model are not known, nor whether they align with the original assumptions. Increasing utility of the Model warrants verification for practitioners to practice confidently when using the VdTMoCA. With little empirical evidence, the Model may resemble a sacred text. Methods: Critical ethnographic methodology was chosen to elicit critical encultured interpretations about the ontological, epistemological, methodological and axiological philosophical assumptions underpinning the VdTMoCA for three generations of occupational therapists: the Progenitor, first- and second-generation respondents. First-and secondgeneration respondents were selected by criterion sampling. Collected data included original academic documents, ethnographic interviewing and observations. Data was analysed inductively, deductively and across cases using five levels of analysis. Findings: Three themes describing the creative ability mindset emerged: “humans and their reality”, “creative ability and practice” and “application [of creative ability] in occupational therapy”. The findings show intergenerational agreement with the Progenitor’s original philosophical assumptions about the Model when used with persons with a medical condition, accessing a Westernized healthcare service context. Outliers arose when the Model was interpreted in its original form for community living where different cultures and unequal resources are present. Conclusions: Findings suggest philosophical and theoretical expansions of the VdTMoCA to include how creative ability is/can be developed for practice in naturalistic contexts. Specifically, the assumption that “motivation to do”, a patterned motivational response, arises not only between people (P) and their occupations(O) but is also stimulated from the relationship with contexts(C). Therefore, motivational factors present in naturalistic contexts must form part of the motivational dimension (P0C) for intervention.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Die Vona du Toit Model van Kreatiewe Deelname (VdTMoCA) het Suid Afrikaanse arbeidsterapie opleiding en praktykvoering oor die afgelope 40 jaar beïnvloed. Beperkte empiriese bewyse bestaan vir die Model. ʼn Eerste studie het in 2010 die oorspronglike vlakke van Kreatiewe Deelname bevestig. Die filosofiese aannames onderliggend tot die Model, asook die belyning hiervan met die aannames met die oorspronklike VdTMoCA is nie bekend nie. Groei in die gebruik van die Model beklemtoon die nodigheid vir verifikasie van die filosofiese aannames ten einde vertroue in die gebruik van die VdTMoCA tydens praktykvoering te bevorder. Met beperkte empiriese bewyse sou die status van die Model as ‘sacred text’ geag kon word. Metodes: Kritiese etnografiese metodologie is toegepas om kultuur-gefundeerde interpretasies van drie generasies arbeidsterapeute (etioloog, eerste- en tweede generasie arbeidsterapeute) aangaande die ontologiese, epistemologiese, metodologiese en aksiologiese filosofiese aannames onderliggend tot die VdTMoCA te ondersoek. Etilooog data is ingesamel deur middel van dokumentanalise van gekose geskrifte. Kriteria steekproefneming is toegepas om eerste- en tweede generasie deelnemers selekteer. Data insameling het oorspronklike akademiese dokumente, etnografiese onderhoude en waarneming ingesluit. Data-analise het beide induktiewe, deduktiewe en oor gevalle behels en is volgens vyf vlakke geaniliseer. Bevindinge: Drie temas wat ʼn kreatiewe deelname ingesteldheid verduidelik is geidentifiseer: ‘mense en hulle realiteit’, ‘kreatiewe vermoe in praktykvoering en ‘toepassing (van kreatiewe vermoe) in arbeidsterapie’. Die bevindinge wys inter-generasie ooreenkomste met die etioloog se oorspronklike filosofiese aannames aangaande die Model wanneer dit gebruik word vir individue in mediese toestande in die konteks van Westerse gesondheidsdienste. Uitsonderings het voorgekom wanneer die oorspronklike Model geinterpreteer word toepassing in gemeenskapslewe waar ander kulture en ongelyke hulpbronne bestaan. Afleidings: Die bevindinge suggereer die nodigheid vir teoretiese uitbreiding van die Model om in te sluit hoe kreatiewe deelname gebruik word (of gebruik kan word) vir praktykvoering in natuurlike omgewings. Die aanname word gemaak dat ‘motivering om te doen’, 'n gepatroneerde motiveringsreaksie tot gevolg het wat nie net in die interaksie tussen mense(M) en hul aktiwiteite(A) ontstaan nie, maar ook vanuit die verhouding met omgewing of konteks(K) gestimuleer word. Daarom moet die motiveringsfaktore(MAK) wat teenwoordig is in natuurlike omgewings ook in ag geneem word gedurende intervensie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 236 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectOccupational therapyen_ZA
dc.subjectCreative abilityen_ZA
dc.subjectMental illness -- Treatmenten_ZA
dc.titleA critical ethnography of the Vona du Toit Creative Ability Model (VdTMoCA) in the South African occupational therapy contexten_ZA
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