Parental involvement in the academic success of first-generation black, female graduate students

dc.contributor.advisorDaniels, Doriaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGoliath, Le-Anne Lezhaanen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Educational Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: First-generation students are portrayed as being at a deficit, in literature. This is due to the overemphasis on the lack of experiential knowledge and preparedness, that literature assumes first-generation students, enter higher education environments with. In South Africa, and globally, there is a lack of asset-based research on the experiences of first-generation students, as it relates to experiences of parental involvement. As such, the purpose of the study was to shed light on the stories of successful first-generation black female graduate students, more specifically the role that family support plays in the educational success of this subset of firstgeneration students. The goal of the study was to explore, uncover and document the subjective realities of first-generation black, female graduate students, with a special focus on, their experiences of parental involvement in their academic success. Such a goal was embarked on through narrative inquiry. Three first-generation black, female graduate students were purposefully selected as the participants for the study. These women were selected based on an inclusion criterion that assisted in selecting information-rich participants. As such, the inclusion criteria required participants to; identify as female; have parents without higher education experience; be unmarried and unemployed; be enrolled as a full-time graduate student and either live with their parents or have active contact with their parents. The constructivist paradigm informed my thinking about first-generation students and their experiences in higher education while the Community Cultural Wealth framework influenced my thinking regarding the skills, abilities, and knowledge that first-generation student families offer their children. The three firstgeneration black female graduate students were studied using qualitative, semi-structured interviews and a focus group session. The data were analysed using thematic content analysis. After adhering to the six-step process, described by thematic analysis, three categories emerged: being a first-generation black female graduate student, parental involvement, and other sources of support that first-generation students perceive as essential to their academic success. According to the findings of the study, first-generation black female graduate students not only experience challenges, because of their first-generation status but also view their firstgeneration status as a benefit as it offers them a unique perspective. As first-generation black female graduate students, the women in the study experienced academic, financial, and transitional challenges, but also saw their family homes as a place of refuge, which they attribute to their first-generation status. Furthermore, these women attribute a great deal of their academic success to their lived experiences of parental involvement, as the involvement of their parents increased their aspirational and resistant capital that kept them motivated, despite their challenges. The findings show that these women do not regard their parent-daughter relationship to be mismatched because of their parent’s lack of experiential knowledge in higher education and view emotional support as most valuable to their academic success.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die literatuur word eerste-generasie-studente uitgebeeld as studente met ’n agterstand. Dit is as gevolg van die oorbeklemtoning van die aanname dat eerste-generasie-studente wat hoër onderrig betree ’n gebrek aan kennis gegrond in ervaring en voorbereiding het. In Suid-Afrika en in die wêreld is daar ’n tekort aan bate-gebaseerde navorsing oor die ervarings van eerstegenerasie-studente, veral hoe dit verband hou met hulle ervarings van die betrokkenheid van hulle ouers. Die doel van dié studie is om lig te werp op die suksesverhale van afgestudeerde Swart vroulike eerste-generasie-studente met spesifieke verwysing na die rol wat familie ondersteuning speel in die opvoedkundige sukses van hierdie subgroep van eerste-generasiestudente. Die doel van die studie is om die subjektiewe werklikhede van eerste-generasie Swart, vroulike studente te verken, ontbloot en op te teken met ’n spesiale fokus op hulle ervarings die invloed van ouerbetrokkenheid op hulle akademiese sukses. Hierdie doelwit is benader deur middel van ’n narratiewe ondersoek. Drie eerste-generasie Swart, vroulike studente is doelbewus gekies as die deelnemers vir hierdie studie. Hierdie vroue is gekies op grond van insluitingskriteria wat gehelp het om inligtingryke deelnemers te identifiseer. Die volgende kriteria vir deelnemers is gebruik: die student moet identifiseer as vroulik; ouers hê sonder ervaring van tersiêre onderrig, ongetroud en werkloos wees; geregistreer wees as ’n voltydse nagraadse student wat óf by hulle ouers woon óf aktiewe kontak met hulle ouers het. My denke oor eerste-generasie-studente en hulle ervarings van hoër onderrig is geïnformeer deur die konstruktivistiese paradigma terwyl die Gemeenskaps- en Kulturele Rykdom as raamwerk my denke beïnvloed het oor die vaardighede, vermoëns en kennis wat eerste-generasie-studente se families aan hulle kinders bied. Die drie eerste-generasie Swart vroulike studente is bestudeer deur middel van kwalitatiewe, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ’n fokusgroep-sessie. Die data is geanaliseer deur middel van tematiese inhoudsanalise. Nadat die ses-stap proses, wat in tematiese analise beskryf word, voltooi is, het drie kategorieë uitgestaan: eerste-generasie Swart vroulike studente het ouerbetrokkenheid en ander bronne van ondersteuning as noodsaaklik geag vir hulle akademiese sukses. Die studie het bevind dat eerste-generasie Swart vroulike afgestudeerdes nie net uitdagings ervaar het as gevolg van hulle eerste-generasie-status nie, maar ook hulle eerste-generasie-status as ’n voordeel beskou omdat dit aan hulle ’n unieke perspektief bied. As eerste-generasie Swart vroulike afgestudeerdes het die vroue in die studie akademiese en finansiële uitdagings sowel as uitdagings wat aanpassing betref, ervaar, maar het hulle ook hulle tuistes as ruimtes van toevlug beskou – ’n feit wat hulle toegeskryf het aan hulle eerste-generasie-status. Verder het hierdie vroue ’n groot deel van hulle akademiese sukses toegeskryf aan hulle geleefde ervaring van ouerbetrokkenheid omdat die betrokkenheid van hulle ouers ’n toename in hulle aspirasie- en veerkragtigheidskapitaal teweeggebring het wat hulle gemotiveerd gehou het ten spyte van hulle uitdagings. Dit blyk uit die bevindings dat hierdie vroue nié ’n kloof in hulle ouer-dogter verhouding ervaar as gevolg van hulle ouers se gebrek aan ervaring in hoër onderrig nie en beskou emosionele ondersteuning as die waardevolste bydra tot hulle akademiese sukses.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 128 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshCommunity lifeen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshIntelligence levelsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshParent-teacher relationshipsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEducation -- Parent participationen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAcademic achievementen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshWomen, Blacken_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAfrican American graduate studentsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshFirst-generation college studentsen_ZA
dc.titleParental involvement in the academic success of first-generation black, female graduate studentsen_ZA
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