In memory of votive time: a new perspective on votive anatomicals from the Asklepieion of Corinth.
dc.contributor.advisor | Masters, Samantha | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.advisor | Nitschke, Jessica | en_ZA | | Goedhart, Jeani Margje | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Ancient Studies. | en_ZA | | 2024-02-28T15:24:36Z | | | 2024-04-26T18:16:17Z | | | 2024-02-28T15:24:36Z | | | 2024-04-26T18:16:17Z | | | 2024-03 | |
dc.description | Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2024. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Anatomical votives are body part models, which were dedicated in thanks of, or in request for, healing. In the ancient Greek context, such objects were prominently associated with the healing sanctuaries (Asklepieia) of the god of medicine, Asklepios. Central to the scholarship on these objects is the attempted mind-shift from medical representation to lived experience. This mind-shift is problematic since it follows from a suppliant-centred approach, which implies that the votive’s meaning, as a memory object, relates to it being a material record of the suppliant’s healing/disease experience. This is not, however, how this mnemonic process plays out in the votive ritual since the concept of memory, which the suppliant applies to the anatomical votive, changes when the object, and by extension the memory applied to it, is transferred into the god’s ownership. In this thesis, the relations and non-relations between memory and ownership, with regard to how these concepts change throughout the course of the anatomical votive’s life-history, are studied and developed into a new theoretical approach termed ‘votive time’. The corpus of anatomical votives from the Asklepieion at Corinth are employed as a case study for the application of votive time since it is by far the largest corpus in the ancient Greek context. The methodology employed to develop and apply the theory consists of two parts. In the first part, a religio-historical context is configured for votive time, which provides the basis for the second part. The second part involves arts-based thought experiments in which Art-analogues are used to fill gaps in the context. As a method invented for this thesis, Art-analogues are artworks featuring visual interpretations of body parts that mimic how votive time can be interpreted. The same research questions asked about votive time, when applied to the anatomical, can be asked of the art-analogue. In the thesis, three of Joel-Peter Witkin’s still life prints are used as analogues. Through the applicatory medium of collage, the analogue becomes a comparative research tool through which the theory of votive time can be finalized and applied to the corpus as a new approach. The study finds that the approach of votive time illuminates previously unstudied aspects of votive-related memory and its role in the Asklepieion scenario. These aspects include the roles of the different variables of the god’s acquisition of memory: following a latent-to-active process of the votive changing into a final product of god-owned memory within its sanctuary-defined roles. insightful finding involves the state of memory after deposition, when the object had been dispossessed of its prior god-owned status in the sanctuary, and what this implies for the memory-ownership relation attached to both its individual and collective life-history. | en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Anatomiese gelofte-objekte is die modelering van liggaamsdele wat gemaak word om dankbaarheid te betuig of te versoek vir genesing. In die antieke Griekse konteks word sulke artefakte geassossieer met die heiligdom (Asklepieia) van die god van geneeskunde, Asklepios. Die kopskuif van ‘n mediese na ‘n evaringsgebaseerde raamwerk vorm ‘n sentrale deel van die literatuur. Dit is egter problematies, want dit volg die smekeling se benadering. Dit impliseer hoofsaaklik dat die gelofte-objek se betekenis ‘n objek van herinnering is, om rekord hou van die smekeling se evaring van genesing of siektetoestand. Dit is nie hoe die konsep van herinnering in die ritueel van die gelofte-objek uitspeel nie, want hierdie konsep verander sodra dit aan die eienaarskap van die god oorgegee word. In die tesis word die konneksies en diskonneksies tussen eienaarskap en herinnering, rakende hoe hierdie konsepte verander, dwarsdeur die lewe van die gelofte-objek, bestudeer en ontwikkel tot ‘n nuwe teorie, genaamd ‘geloftetyd’. Die korpus van die Asklepieion van Korinte dien as ‘n gevallestudie vir die toepassing van ‘geloftetyd’, aangesien dit by verre die grootste korpus in die antieke Griekse konteks is. Die navorsingmetode om die teorie te ontwikkel en toe te pas vind tweeledig plaas. In die eerste deel word die religieuse-historiese konteks van ‘geloftetyd’ beraam; dit vorm die teoretiese basis vir die tweede deel. Die tweede deel behels die denkeksperiment waarin kunsgensentreerde analogieë gebruik word om die gaping in the konteks te vul. Kunsgesentreerde analogieë is kunswerke wat ligaamsdele uitbeeld. Die visuele interpretasie daarvan weerspieël hoe ‘geloftetyd’ geinterpreteer kan word. Die navorsingsvrae oor ‘geloftetyd’ se relevansie vir die anatomiese gelofde-objek kan dus herhaaldelik gevra word oor die kunsanalogie daarvan. In die tesis, word drie van Joel-Peter Witkin se stillewe drukwerke as analogie gebruik. Deur middel van die toepassingsmedium van kollage word die analoog gebruik as navorsingsgereedskap waardeur die nuwe teorie van ‘geloftetyd’ gefinaliseer en toegepas kan word. Dit is bevind dat hierdie teorie nuwe aspekte van die konsep van die gelofte-objek se herinnering openbaar. Dit behels die rol daarvan in die Asklepieion scenario. Daar is verskillende variasies van die goddelike eienaarskap van herinnering. Hierde variasies verander deurlopend deur die lewe van die gelofte-objek. Dus word dit ontwikkel tot ‘n finale produk van goddelike besitting: vanaf ‘n latent tot aktiewe vorm. Dit behels die stand van die herrinneringe wat die god besit nadat dit onbesit is van die vorige status binne die heiligdom. Dit is bevind dat hierdie onbesitte konsep van herinnering die eienaarskapsverband van beide die gelofte-objek se individuele en kollektiewe lewensgeskiedenis in verband bring. | af_ZA |
dc.description.version | Masters | en_ZA |
dc.format.extent | ix. 171 pages : illustrations | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Votive offerings in art | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Asklēpeio (Greece) | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Corinth (Greece) -- Antiquities | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Art therapy -- Research | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Image processing | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Archaeology | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Human body -- Symbolic aspects | en_ZA |
dc.subject.lcsh | Human body -- Social aspects | en_ZA | | UCTD | |
dc.title | In memory of votive time: a new perspective on votive anatomicals from the Asklepieion of Corinth. | en_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis | en_ZA |
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