An expert system for the design of single-storey steel portal frames using the plastic design method

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study project is to develop an expert system, PFEXPERT, for the design of single-storey steel portal frames with the plastic design method according to the SABS 0162-1:1993. The development tool LEVEL5/OBJECT, an expert system shell, was selected for the development of PFEXPERT. PFEXPERT consists of two basic parts, an inference engine and a knowledge base. The inference engine, (reasoning mechanism), searches through the knowledge base looking for answers and solutions. The knowledge is expressed in the form of rules and explanatory text in the knowledge base. A menu-driven user interface, that consists of different screens which allow the user to interact with the knowledge base, has been developed and is supplemented by warning messages, explanations and recommendations. The knowledge base cf PFEXPERT consists of an input phase, an analysis phase and a design phase. The input phase requires structural data, material section properties and load-case data. PFEXPERT interfaces with a steel section properties data base file for the selection of properties. The analysis phase consists of the elastic analysis and the plastic analysis of the structure for different load-case combinations. The elastic analysis is done on the structure subjected to nominal loads. The plastic analysis is done on the structure subjected to factored loads. PFEXPERT interfaces with an analysis program or these analyses. In the design phase, PFEXPERT checks all SABS 0162-1:1993 code requirements for serviceability and ultimate limit state design. The expert system, PFEXPERT, is a useful tool for the design engineer for the plastic design of portal frames because it can be maintained and updated to reflect any future code revisions without too much difficulty.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kundigestelsel PFEXPERT is ontwikkel met die doel om enkel verdieping, staal portaalrame met die plastiese ontwerp metode soos deur SABS 0162-1: 1993 voorgeskryf, te ontwerp. Die kundigestelselskil LEVEL5/OBJECT is gebruik om PFEXPERT te ontwikkel. Die kundigestelsel, PFEXPERT, bestaan uit metodes, meganismes om gevolgtrekkings en afleidings te maak, en die kennisbasis. Die kennisbasis van PFEXPERT is ontwikkel om die kennis in die vorm van reëls en verduidelikende teks weer te gee. Die gebruikerkoppelvlak, die skerm en die sleutelbord, van PFEXPERT is ook ontwikkel. Die gebruikerkoppelvlak bestaan uit spyskaarte en word aangevul deur waarskuwingsboodskappe, verduidelikings en aanbevelings. PFEXPERT is 'n kundigestelsel wat uit 'n invoerfase, 'n analisefase en 'n ontwerpsfase bestaan. Die invoerdata bestaan uit die strukturele data, die materiaalsnit-eienskappe en die belastings. Die kundigestelsel is met 'n databasis van staalseksie-eienskappe geintegreer, waaruit materiaalsnit-eienskappe gekies kan word. Die analise fase bestaan uit die elastiese analise en die plastiese analise vir verskillende belastingskombinasies. Die elastiese analise word uitgevoer vir die struktuur onder nominate belastmgs. Die plastiese analise word uitgevoer vir die struktuur onder gefaktoriseerde belastings. PFEXPERT is ook met 'n struktuur analise program geintegreer wat hierdie analises uitvoer. Die ontwerpsfase toets die struktuur vir diensbaarheids - en grenstoestand ontwerpvoorwaardes soos deur die SABS 0162-1 :1993 voorgeskryf word. Die kundigestelsel, PFEXPERT, kan nuttig deur die ontwerp ingenieur aangewend word vir die plastiese ontwerp van portaal rame en is maklik aanpasbaar vir wysigings of veranderings van kodes.
Thesis (M. Ing.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1994.
Structural frames -- Data processing, Steel, Structural -- Data processing, Structural design -- Data processing, Expert systems (Computer science), Structural analysis (Engineering) -- Data processing, Dissertations -- Civil engineering, UCTD