Single- and multi-objective ranking and selection procedures in simulation : a historical review

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ranking and selection (R&S) procedures form an important research field in computer simulation and its applications. In simulation, one usually has to select the best from a number of scenarios or alternative designs. Often, the simulated processes have a stochastic nature, which means that, to distinguish alternatives, they must exhibit significant statistical differences. R&S procedures assist the decision-maker with the selection of the best alternative with high confidence. This paper reviews past and current R&S procedures. The review traces back to the 1950s, when the first R&S procedure was proposed, and discusses the various R&S procedures proposed since then to the present day, presenting a cursory view of the research in the area. The review includes studies in both the single-objective and the multi-objective domains. It presents the research trend, discusses specific issues, and gives recommendations for future research in both domains.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rangorde- en keuseprosedures (R&K) vorm ‘n belangrike navorsingsveld in rekenaarsimulasie en -toepassings. Simulasiestudies vereis gewoonlik dat die beste kandidaat van ‘n aantal scenarios of alternatiewe ontwerpe gekies moet word. Die gesimuleerde prosesse is gewoonlik van ‘n stogastiese aard, en hulle moet statisties-beduidend verskil ten einde onderskeid te kan tref. R&K prosedures ondersteun die besluitnemer om die beste alternatief met groot vertroue te kies. Hierdie artikel verskaf ‘n resensie van vroeë en huidige R&K prosedures. Die ondersoek strek terug tot in die 1950s toe die eerste R&K prosedures voorgestel is, en bespreek die verskeie R&K prosedures wat sedertdien ontwikkel is, terwyl ‘n oorsigtelike blik op die navorsingsveld gegee word. Die resensie sluit studies in beide enkel- en multidoelwitdomein in. Dit bespreek navorsingsneigings en spesifieke kwessies, en maak voorstelle vir verdere navorsing in beide domeins.
CITATION: Yoon, M. & Bekker, J. 2017. Single- and multi-objective ranking and selection procedures in simulation : a historical review. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 28(2):37-45, doi:10.7166/28-2-1732.
The original publication is available at
Ranking and selection (Statistics), Computer simulation, Industrial engineers
Yoon, M. & Bekker, J. 2017. Single- and multi-objective ranking and selection procedures in simulation : a historical review. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 28(2):37-45, doi:10.7166/28-2-1732