Customer super-profiling demonstrator to enable efficient targeting in marketing campaigns

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Difficulties lie with identifying the right customers to engage in successful marketing campaigns. Thus far, segmentation has been a popular marketing method for selecting customer groups for targeted campaigns. However, each segment can be further exploited by performing customer profiling. In this paper, we explain the on-going development of a proposed simulator and demonstration tool that incorporates big data analytics to uncover hidden patterns within the customer dataset, thereby generating a customer super-profile. A developed toy problem and a large, realistic problem demonstrate segmentation, via clustering, and create customer profiles to enable marketers to identify appropriate marketing strategies. The proposed framework serves as the basis for enhancing customer relationship management by providing improved customer profiles for marketing campaigns.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is uitdagings by die identifisering van die regte kliënte vir suksesvolle bemarkingsveldtogte. Tot dusver is segmentasie ’n gewilde bemarkingmetode om te gebruik om kliëntgroepe te kies vir teikenveldtogte. Elke segment kan egter nog verder ontgin word deur kliënteprofilering uit te voer. In die artikel beskryf ons die ontwikkeling van ’n voorgestelde simulator en demonstrasie-werktuig wat groot data-analise inkorporeer om verborge patrone binne die kliëntedatastel te ontbloot, en daardeur word ’n kliëntsuperprofiel geskep. ’n Eenvoudige asook ’n groot, realistiese probleem demonstreer segmentasie deur groepering, en ontwikkel kliëntprofiele om bemarkers in staat te stel om geskikte bemarkingstrategieë te identifiseer. Die voorgestelde raamwerk dien as ’n basis om kliënte-verhoudingbestuur te versterk, deur verbeterde kliëntprofiele vir bemarkingsveldtogte beskikbaar te stel.
CITATION: Walters, M. & Bekker, J. 2017. Customer super-profiling demonstrator to enable efficient targeting in marketing campaigns. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 28(3):113-127, doi:10.7166/28-3-1846.
The original publication is available at
Marketing campaigns, Advertising campaigns, Customers (Consumers) -- Databases, Target marketing
Walters, M. & Bekker, J. 2017. Customer super-profiling demonstrator to enable efficient targeting in marketing campaigns. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 28(3):113-127, doi:10.7166/28-3-1846