Scheduling program based on the theory of constraints

dc.contributor.advisorBartel, K. J.en
dc.contributor.authorMalherbe, Johannes Louwen
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.en
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goal of this thesis is to provide a stepping-stone for the design and development of a software package that implements the Goal System Algorithm, based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC). This includes the complete description and explanation of the Goal System Algorithm (GS), as well as the partial implementation of this algorithm using Microsoft Access as a Database Management System (DBMS) and Microsoft Visual C++ as programming language. The main development effort was put into the development of a scheduling algorithm and the implementation of a data structure that lies at the core of this algorithm. The reason for the development of such a package is that it will aid a production manager, working in a small to medium size job-shop, in generating a schedule for production that will increase throughput, while simultaneously reducing both inventory and operating expense thereby generating profits and cash flow. With regard to this thesis and the overall project goal the following have been achieved. 1. The complete project has been researched, scoped and each step has been explained. 2. The complete program structure has been defined and broken into two separate modules; the Data Mining and Conversion Module and the TOC Scheduling Algorithm. 3. The database containing all the MRP data necessary for scheduling has been designed and implemented using a MS Access database with an ODBC connection. An ODBC connection to the database was used so that a smooth transmission to other database management systems can be made. 4. The TOC Scheduling Algorithm has been developed and the following have been implemented: • A basic user interface has been created for the insertion of all the user input and to display the constraint schedule. • A data structure called a linked list has been developed and used to store the scheduling data in memory. • The complete GS algorithm had been researched and explained. • The GS algorithm has been and implemented and tested up to the point where it schedules the constraint. • The pseudo code for the part of the GS algorithm that was not implemented has been documented and included in this report. More development needs to be done and a proper Graphical User Interface must also be created to complete this project, but after completion a Toe software package will exist that is completely unique in South Africa and the market potential for this package will be considerable.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die grondslag te skep vir die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van 'n sagteware pakket wat Goldratt se Doel Sisteem Algoritme, gebasseer op die 'Theory of Constraints', implementeer. Dit sluit die gedetaileerde beskrywing van die Doel Sisteem Algoritme in en 'n gedeeltelike implementasie van die algortime, deur gebruik te maak van 'n Microsoft Access databasis as databasis bestuur sisteem en Microsoft Visual C++ as 'n programerings taal. Die hoof klem is gelê op die ontwikkeling van die skedulerings algortime en die implementasie van die strukture wat deel van die kern uitmaak van die algoritme. Die hoof rede vir die ontwikkeling van so 'n pakket is sodat dit 'n produksie bestuurder van 'n klein to medium grootte vervaardigings besigheid sal help om 'n skedule vir produksie the genereer wat die vloer se deurset sal verhoog, terwyl dit voorraad en operasionele kostes sal verlaag. Met ander woorde dit sal die besigheid help om meer geld te maak huidiglik en in die toekoms. Met betrekking tot die tesis en die algehele projek doel is die volgende bereik: 1. Die hele projek is nagevors, uit een gesit en verduidelik. 2. Die hele program struktuur is gedefinieer en opgebreek in twee aparte modules; nl. die 'Data Mining and Conversion Module' en die 'TOC Scheduling Algorithm'. 3. Die databasis wat al die nodige MRP inligting bevat wat benodig word vir skedulering is ontwerp en geimplementeer deur gebruil te maak van 'n MS Access databasis met 'n ODBC konneksie. Daar is van 'n ODBC konneksie gebruik gemaak sodat as die nodig is, daar sonder enige moeite na ander databasis bestuurs sisteme oorgeskakel kan word. 4. Die 'TOC Scheduling Algorithm' is onwikkel en die volgende is geimplementeer. • A basisse gebruikers vlak is ontwikkel sodat al die nodig invoer data in die program ingevoer kan word. • 'n Geskakelde lys is ontwikkel en gebruik as die data struktuur om al die skedulerings informasie in geheue te stoor. • Die Doel Sisteem algorimte is in sy geheel verduidelik en gedokumenteer. Die Doel Sisteem algoritme is geïmplementeer tot op die punt waar dit die primêre bottelnek skeduleer. • Die pseudo kode vir die deel van die GS algoritme wat nie geimplementeer is nie is uitgelê in ingesluit as deel van die verslag. Verdere ontwikkeling word nog benodig en 'n beter gebruikers vlak moet nog geskep word om die projek te finaal afte handel, maar na dit gedoen is sal daar 'n TOe skedulering pakket bestaan wat heeltemal uniek is tot Suid-Afrika en 'n groot mark potensiaal sal hê.af_ZA
dc.format.extent47 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen
dc.subjectProduction schedulingen
dc.subjectTheory of constraints (Management)en
dc.subjectDissertations -- Engineeringen
dc.titleScheduling program based on the theory of constraintsen
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