"From the sound of music to the sound of silence" : stilte as helende moment in die erediens
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is aangetoon hoedat daar verskeie vorme van stilte bestaan. Die navorsing geskied in die vorm van ‘n musikale beweging: ten eerste die klank van die konteks van die wit Afrikaner man in Suid Afrika, tot die klanke en waarde van musiek, tot die klank van stilte. Enige musiek wat uitgevoer word, word vanuit stilte gebore. Metafories gesproke, begin hierdie studie ook vanuit stilte. Hierdie spesifieke soort stilte wat deur historiese en huidige sosiale kontekste bygedra het tot die gender konstruksie en maskuliniteitstipe van die ‘Stil en Sterk-tipe’ wit Afrikaner man in Suid Afrika. Hierdie ‘Stil en Sterk-tipe’ wit Afrikaner man vind dit dikwels moeilik om hulself verbaal uit te druk, maar is steeds deel van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk waarin hulle aanbid.
Soos daar in enige goeie musikale komposisies verskeie bewegings is, gebeur dit ook in hierdie studie. Die beweging het ten doel om juis ook verskillende soorte stiltes, wat ‘n impak op die leefwêreld van sommige lidmate in die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk mag hê, in die lig te stel. Die vraag dan, hoe word daar ruimtes gebied vir individue soos die ‘Stil en Sterk tipe’ om hulle self te verklank ook in die erediens? Vanuit hierdie ondersoek word dit duidelik dat nie slegs musiek nie, maar ook stilte binne musiek en stilte opsig self van waarde kan wees. ‘n Fokus op die fenomeen van stilte en die waarde wat dit kan inhou vir lidmate van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, word ondersoek. So is die geloofsgemeenskap ‘n ruimte waarin die ‘Stil en Sterk tipe’ ook saam met ander gelowiges hulself deur die estetiese en stilte kan verklank en ook deur God binne sulke ruimtes, getransformeer kan word. Die titel van die studie, “From the Sound of Music to the Sound of Silence” wil poog om na stilte as moontlike helende moment in die erediens te wys. Daarom, in die finale beweging van hierdie navorsing, word daar na die herwaardering van stilte in die liturgie gekyk.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on different types of silence. The research takes on the form of a musical movement. At first a type of silence which is derived from the socially constructed context within which the white Afrikaner male finds himself. This masculinity type, which has been constructed by historical, social and cultural influences, brings about the ‘Strong and Silent type’, white Afrikaner male in the context of South Africa. This masculinity type seems to struggle with verbal communication; however, they still worship in and remain part of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa. Therefore the research moves to the holistic value that music has on individuals. Subsequently the movement investigates the role and function of church music in the context of the Dutch Reformed Church, not only for worship, but also in creating cathartic moments of expression for the “Strong and Silent” masculinity type. Silence, however, is the element which helps humans to distinguish between different sounds. The research moves to investigate the phenomenon of sound and some qualities of the sound of silence. The final movement focuses on the way silence can be incorporated and re-evaluate silence in liturgies, especially through aesthetic elements within the context of the Dutch Reformed Church. Spaces filled with silence wherein God can transform individuals. Therefore, a re-evaluation of silence in the liturgy is called upon.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on different types of silence. The research takes on the form of a musical movement. At first a type of silence which is derived from the socially constructed context within which the white Afrikaner male finds himself. This masculinity type, which has been constructed by historical, social and cultural influences, brings about the ‘Strong and Silent type’, white Afrikaner male in the context of South Africa. This masculinity type seems to struggle with verbal communication; however, they still worship in and remain part of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa. Therefore the research moves to the holistic value that music has on individuals. Subsequently the movement investigates the role and function of church music in the context of the Dutch Reformed Church, not only for worship, but also in creating cathartic moments of expression for the “Strong and Silent” masculinity type. Silence, however, is the element which helps humans to distinguish between different sounds. The research moves to investigate the phenomenon of sound and some qualities of the sound of silence. The final movement focuses on the way silence can be incorporated and re-evaluate silence in liturgies, especially through aesthetic elements within the context of the Dutch Reformed Church. Spaces filled with silence wherein God can transform individuals. Therefore, a re-evaluation of silence in the liturgy is called upon.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Music, Patriarchy -- Religious aspects -- Christianity, Liturgy, UCTD