Stormwater runoff treatment from automobile workshops in Nigeria using combined rice husk, gravel and activated carbon filters.

dc.contributor.advisorBrink, Isobelen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAtaguba, Clement Ogucheen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stormwater runoff from automobile workshops is a major source of pollutant mass flow to rivers, which pose a risk to aquatic ecosystems. An investigation into pollution of stormwater runoff from selected automobile workshops, the development of low cost treatment technologies using granular activated carbon (GAC), rice husk (RH) and river gravel filters (GR) for removal of metals from polluted stormwater runoff from automobile workshops and the application of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models in predicting the removal of lead and iron were carried out. A comparative study using the low cost treatment technologies and conventional oil & grease trap (COT) in the removal of oil & grease was also done. Furthermore, a sustainability assessment of the low cost treatment technologies of GAC-RH and GR-GAC was included using a triple bottom line approach (economic, environmental and social impacts). These investigations indicated that stormwater runoff from automobile workshops was highly polluted with concentrations above the permissible discharge limits in Nigerian and American standards. Additionally, the developed low cost treatment technologies were found to lower the high concentrations of metals, indicating their potential successful use in the treatment of the stormwater runoff. This specifically with the GAC-RH filter material combination exhibiting high metals removal efficiencies when compared with GR-GAC and RH treatment filters. The research also indicated that the low cost treatment technologies compared favourably well with the COT in the removal of oil and grease (O&G). The order of oil and grease removal efficiencies of the treatment technologies was GAC-RH > RH > GR-GAC > COT. Langmuir isotherm model was found to predict the removal of lead and iron as favourable adsorption process while the Freundlich isotherm model predicted the removal of lead and iron as a chemisorption process. During adsorption testing, the adsorption capacity of the GAC-RH and GR-GAC filter material combinations decreased with increased dosages of the adsorbents. The overall sustainability assessment of the GAC-RH and GR-GAC technologies indicated that the GAC-RH filter showed a slightly higher overall sustainability score when compared to the GR-GAC filter application. Finally, a centralized auto-mechanic village was proposed for major towns and a hypothetical design for stormwater detention system was also presented in a proposed Design Guide for Stormwater Management: Application to Auto-Mechanic Villages in Nigeria.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Stormwaterafloop vanaf motorwerkswinkels is 'n groot bron van besoedelende massavloei na riviere, wat 'n risiko vir akwatiese ekosisteme inhou. 'n Ondersoek na besoedeling van stormwaterafloop van geselekteerde motorwerkswinkels, die ontwikkeling van laekostebehandelingstegnologieë met behulp van korrelvormige geaktiveerde koolstof, rysskil en riviergruisfilters vir die verwydering van metale uit besoedelde stormwaterafloop van motorwerkswinkel;s en die toepassing van Langmuir en Freundlich isotermmodelle in die voorspelling van die verwydering van lood en yster was uitgevoer. 'n Vergelykende studie van die gebruik van die laekoste-behandelingstegnologieë en konvensionele olie- en vet vanger (COT) in die verwydering van olie en vet was ook uitgevoer. 'n Volhoubaarheidsevaluering van die laekoste-behandelingstegnologieë van GAC-RH en GR-GAC is bykomend uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van 'n driedubbele benadering (ekonomiese, omgewings- en sosiale impakte). Hierdie ondersoeke en studies het getoon dat stormwater wat afloop van motorwerkswinkels hoogs besoedel is en konsentrasies het bo die toelaatbare afvoerlimiete volgens die Nigeriese en Amerikaanse standaarde. Daar is ook bevinddat die ontwikkelde laekoste behandelingstegnologieë die hoë konsentrasies van die metale verlaag het, wat hul potensiële gebruik in die behandeling van die stormwaterafloop impliseer met GAC-RH wat hoë metaalverwyderingsdoeltreffendheid toon in vergelyking met GR-GAC en RH behandelingsfilters. Die studies het ook aan die lig gebring dat die laekoste behandelingstegnologieë gunstig vergelyk het met die COT in die verwydering van olie en vet (O&G). Die volgorde van O&G verwydering doeltreffendheid van die behandeling tegnologie was GAC-RH> RH > GR-GAC > COT. Daar is gevind dat Langmuir isoterm model die verwydering van lood en yster as gunstige adsorpsie proses voorspel terwyl die Freundlich isoterm model die verwydering van lood en yster as 'n chemisorpsie proses voorspel het. Tydens adsorpsietoetsing het die adsorpsiekapasiteit van die GAC-RH en GR-GAC filter materiaal kombinasies afgeneem met verhoogde dosisse van die adsorbente. Die algehele volhoubaarheidsevaluering van die GAC-RH en GR-GAC tegnologie het aangedui dat die GAC-RH filter 'n effens hoër algehele volhoubaarheidtelling getoon het in vergelyking met die GR-GAC filter toepassing. Laastens is 'n gesentraliseerde outo-werktuigkundige dorpie vir groot dorpe voorgestel en 'n hipotetiese ontwerp vir stormwater opgaringstelsel is ook aangebied in 'n voorgestelde Ontwerpgids vir Stormwaterbestuur: Toepassing op Auto-Mechanic Villages in Nigerië.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 160 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectStormwater infiltrationen_ZA
dc.subjectHydrologic cycleen_ZA
dc.subjectHuman ecologyen_ZA
dc.subjectPrecipitable wateren_ZA
dc.subjectCarbon, Activateden_ZA
dc.subjectRice hullsen_ZA
dc.subjectAtmospheric temperatureen_ZA
dc.titleStormwater runoff treatment from automobile workshops in Nigeria using combined rice husk, gravel and activated carbon filters.en_ZA
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