Optimal control of HIV/AIDS in the workplace in the presence of careless individuals

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A nonlinear dynamical system is proposed and qualitatively analyzed to study the dynamics of HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The disease-free equilibrium point of the model is shown to be locally asymptotically stable if the basic reproductive number, R0, is less than unity and the model is shown to exhibit a unique endemic equilibrium when the basic reproductive number is greater than unity. It is shown that, in the absence of recruitment of infectives, the disease is eradicated when R0 < 1, whiles the disease is shown to persist in the presence of recruitment of infected persons. The basic model is extended to include control efforts aimed at reducing infection, irresponsibility, and nonproductivity at the workplace. This leads to an optimal control problem which is qualitatively analyzed using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle (PMP). Numerical simulation of the resulting optimal control problem is carried out to gain quantitative insights into the implications of the model. The simulation reveals that a multifaceted approach to the fight against the disease is more effective than single control strategies.
Please cite as follows: Seidu, B. & Makinde, O. D. 2014. Optimal control of HIV/AIDS in the workplace in the presence of careless individuals. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2014:1-19 (Article ID 831506), doi:10.1155/2014/831506.
The original publication is available at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/cmmm
HIV positive persons -- Employment, AIDS (Disease) -- Social aspects, Employee health promotion
Seidu, B. & Makinde, O. D. 2014. Optimal control of HIV/AIDS in the workplace in the presence of careless individuals. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2014:1-19 (Article ID 831506), doi:10.1155/2014/831506.