An experimental study of artificial isotropic chiral media at microwave frequencies

dc.contributor.advisorCloete, J. H.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, Anthonie Gronum
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1994.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: An artificial chiral medium can be made by embedding metal helices (chiral or handed structures) with random orientation inside au achiral hnst medium. The electromagnetic behaviour of such artificial chiral media can be explained by an additional (to p. and t') constitutive parameter, the chirality parameter e. Chiral media have certain special properties of which optical activity is the most prominent. Optical activity is the term used to describe the rotation of the polarization plane of a linearly polarized wave as it travels through a chiral medium. The chirality parameter is directly linked with this rotation. The reflection and the transmission coefficients from a chiral slab are well known in terms of the constitutive parameters and the thickness of the sample. In the thesis a set of .inversion equations are derived that can be used to determine the constitutive parameters (p., £, e) of a chiral medium from the measured S-parameters 811, S21x and S2l'jJ (Le. the reflection and co- and cross-polarized transmission coefficients respectively). An accuracy analysis of the measurement method is made. This is done by using the first order partial derivatives of the inversion equations. A sensitivity analysis is done on the inversion equations and the results are in an analytical form. This makes it possible to determine the contribution of each of the measurement errors to the total expected error. A statistical root mean square method is used to predict the expected error in the measured constitutive parameters. Several artificial chiral samples are measured and an accuracy analysis done on the measurements. The inaccuracy of the method of inversion for low loss samples that are multiples of half a wavelength thick is illustrated by example and explained by the sensitivity analysis. The free-space system (11-17 GHz) used to measure the S-parameters is described in detail. The radiation patterns of the focused lens antennas are measured and compared to those obtained from two theoretical models. A free-space calibration procedure is developed and the dispersion in the focal region of the antennas incorporated into it. The results from different combinations of calibration standards are compared and related to the idea of minimum sensitivity calibration. The possible use of an artificial chiral medium as a microwave absorber is also discussed.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kunsmatige kirale media kan gemaak word deur metaalhelikse lukraak te orienteer in 'n mekirale (bv. diEHektriese) medium. Die mikrogolfeienskappe van kirale media kan toegeskryf word aan die anti-simmetrie van die mikroskopiese insluitings. 'n Voorwerp word as kiraal beskryf indien dit nie deur translasie of rotasie op die spieelbeeld daarvan gepas kan word nie. Die menslike hand is 'n goeie voorbeeld van so 'n kirale struktuur. Die elektromagnetise eienskappe van 'n kunsmatige kirale medium kan beskryf word deuT 'n addisionele (tot j.t en E) samestellingsparameter, die kiraliteitsparameter ~. Kirale media het verskeie ongewone eienskappe waarvan opti~se aktiwiteit waarskynlik die prominentste is. Optiese aktiwiteit beskryf die verskynsel waar die polarisasierigting van 'n lineer-gepolariseerde golf geroteer word terwyl dit deur 'n kirale medium beweeg. 'n Direkte verband bestaan tussen die rotasie en die kiraliteitsparameter. Die weerkaats- en transmissiekotHfisiente van 'n kirale plaat is bekend in terme van die samestellingsparameters (j.t, f. en {) en die dikte van die plaat. In die tesis word 'n ste1 inversievergelykings afgelei wat gebruik kan word om die samestellingsparameters van 'n kirale medium te bepaal vanuit die gemete weerkaats- en transmissiekoeffisiente, Sl1, S'lIz en SUg. (S213/ is die kruis-gepolariseerde komponent van die transmissiekoeffisient wat 'n aanduiding van die rotasie gee.) ,n Analise word gedoen op die akkuraatheid waarmee metings uitgevoer kan word. Dit word gedoen deur gebruik te maak van die eerste orde parsHHe afgeleide van die inversievergelykings. 'n Sensitiwiteitsanalise van die inversievergelykings word gedoen en in 'n analitiese vurm aangebied. Die vorm maak dit moontlik om die bydrae van elke meetfout in S11, S2l:c en S21'!J tot die totale meetfout in p., € en ete bepaal. 'n Statistiese metode (wortel gemiddelde kwadraat) word gebruik om die verwagte foutwaardes in die gemete samestellingsparameters te bepaal. Verskeie kunsmatige kirale media word gemeet en 'n analise word gedoen op die akkuraatheid waarmee elk gemeet is. Die onakkuraatheid van die inversiemetode vir plate met lae verliese en wat veelvoude van 'nhalwe golflengte dik is, word getoon deur middel van 'n sensitiwiteitsanalise. Die vryeruimte meetstelsel (11-17 GHz) wat gebruik word om die weerkaats- en transmissiekoeffisH~ nte te meet, word breedvoerig bespreek. Die gemete stralingspatrone van die gefokusseerde lens antennes word vergelyk met teoreties bepaalde waardes. 'n Vryeruimte kalibrasietegniek word ontwikkel en die gemete dispersie in die fokusgebied word daarby ingesluit. Die resultate, soos verkry van verskillende kalibrasiestandaarde, word vergelyk en in verband gebring met die tegniek van kalibrasie-met-minimum-sensitiwiteit. Ten slotte word die moontlike gebruik van kunsmatige kirale media as mikrogolfabsorbeerders
dc.format.extent205 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectElectromagnetic fields
dc.subjectMicrowave antennas
dc.subjectElectromagnetic waves
dc.subjectComposite materials
dc.subjectDissertations -- Electronic engineering
dc.subjectTheses -- Electronic engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleAn experimental study of artificial isotropic chiral media at microwave frequenciesen_ZA
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