Age or maturity? African children’s right to participate in medical decision-making processes
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Pretoria University Law Press
This article advocates an approach to children’s participation
in medical decision-making processes guided by the rationality of the
best interests’ principle, a child’s evolving capacity and a child’s age.
Using a human rights-based approach, rooted in the UN Convention
on the Rights of the Child and the African Children’s Charter, it seeks
to elucidate the contested three-way partnership between the child,
its parent(s) and the assigned physician(s), which plays out in relation
to most medical procedures involving children. In analysing legislation
and case law, the article further aims to clarify the complex relationship
between age and maturity in child participation; to facilitate a child’s
involvement in the three-way partnership; and to suggest the statutory
recognition of an age indicator in domestic African law in relation to
medical procedures.
CITATION: Fokala, E. & Rudman, A. 2020. Age or maturity? African children’s right to participate in medical decision-making processes. African Human Rights Law Journal, 20(2):667-687, doi:10.17159/1996-2096/2020/v20n2a14.
The original publication is available at
The original publication is available at
Children’s autonomy, Children -- Health and hygiene, Child health services, Children’s right to participate, Medical decision-making by children
Fokala, E. & Rudman, A. 2020. Age or maturity? African children’s right to participate in medical decision-making processes. African Human Rights Law Journal, 20(2):667-687, doi:10.17159/1996-2096/2020/v20n2a14