Die benutting van musiek tydens groepwerk met dwelm-afhanklikes

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Department of Social Work, Stellenbosch University
This study is based on the question: What does social group work and music therapy have in common? When utilized during intervention aimed at the drug dependent client, the advantages of the different methods augment to the definite benefit of the client. Both strategies aim to improve the client’s communication skills, his capacity to deal with resistance, anger control and other negative feelings. Social group work as well as music therapy enhances the exploration of and expression of suppressed feelings and as such motivates socialisation. With music providing the much needed relaxing and bonding factor, the drug dependent person feels more comfortable in the group, free to express feelings and therefore more motivated towards treatment. Following a theoretical motivation, the authors provide useful guidelines for uti-lizing specific music to gain specific results during group work with drug dependant persons.
CITATION: Kruger, S. P. & Pieterse, L. 2004. Die benutting van musiek tydens groepwerk met dwelm-afhanklikes. Social Work, 40(4), doi:10.15270/40-4-324.
The original publication is available at https://socialwork.journals.ac.za
Kruger, S. P. & Pieterse, L. 2004. Die benutting van musiek tydens groepwerk met dwelm-afhanklikes. Social Work, 40(4), doi:10.15270/40-4-324.