Indlela ababunjwe ngayo abafazi kwiincwadi zedrama ZesiXhosa

Ngqase, Fikiswa Freelance
Mtuze, P. T. Umdlanga
Mkonto, B. B. Inzonzobila
Lamati, M. Indlal'inamanyala
Nami, T. A. Inxeba Lenkosi
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines representations of women in four Xhosa drama books, thus aiming at highlighting the interplay between culture and women's social space. A comparative approach is used to review the ways in which the Xhosa dramatists under study characterise women.Some of these representations suggest that women have the capability to achieve personal transedence rather than accept the immanence imposed by stereotyped gender relationships. In these works, it is evident that writers can change the image of women by centralising them as active people who fight for their rights. THE ASSIGNMENT IS ARRANGED AS FOllOWS: CHAPTER 1 Introduces the aim, the scope, the theories and the methods of the study. CHAPTER 2 Deals with the development of plot and attention is paid to episodes in the four dramas. These episodes depict the different phases of the dramas. The dramas under study are evaluated critically by motivating their positive and negative aspects. CHAPTER3 Deals with woman as character in Xhosa dramas under study. A critical detailed analysis of the main woman character in each drama is undertaken. CHAPTER4 Presents depiction of Xhosa culture in the Xhosa dramas. CHAPTERS Summarises the findings of the study which is the representation of women in Xhosa drama books.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek voorstellings van vroue in vier Xhosa dramas met die doelom die interaksie te ontleed tussen kultuurverskynsels in die vrou se sosiale ruimte. 'n Vergelykende benadering word gevolg om 'n analise te doen van hoe die dramaturge wie se werke bestudeer word vroue karakteriseer. Sommige representasies van hierdie karakterisering dui aan dat vroue die vermoë het tot persoonlike transendensie, eerder as om die onmiddellikheid te aanvaar van gestereotipeerde genderverhoudings. In die dramas wat ondersoek is, blyk dit dat die skrywers in staat is om die beeld van vroue te verander deur hulle te sentraliseer as aktiewe mense wat veg vir hulle regte. Die werkstuk word as volg georganiseer: Hoofstuk Een gee 'n uiteensetting van die doelstelling, omvang, teoretiese raamwerk en metodes van die studie. Hoofstuk Twee ondersoek die ontwikkeling van intrige en 'n analise word gedoen van die episodes in die vier dramas. Hierdie episodes beeld die verskillende fases van die onderskeie dramas uit. Die dramas word krities ge-evalueer en hulle positiewe en negatiewe aspekte word behandel. Hoofstuk Drie ondersoek die vrou as karakter in die Xhosa dramas. 'n Gedetaileerde kritiese analise word onderneem van die hoof vroue karakter in elke drama. Hoofstuk Vier ondersoek die uitbeelding van kultuur in die onderskeie Xhosa dramas. Hoofstuk Vyf gee 'n opsomming van die hoofaspekte van ondersoek en die bevindinge van die studie.
Text in Xhosa.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
Mtuze, P. T. -- Criticism and interpretation, Mkonto, B. B. -- Criticism and interpretation, Lamati, M. -- Criticism and interpretation, Nami, T. A. -- Criticism and interpretation, Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism, Culture in literature, Women in literature