Towards a real-time decision support system for fire incidence management in South African forestry

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study presents the development of the conceptual structure for an applications model, which has the objective of improving the effectivity of South African fire incidence management in an elementary and cost-effective way. The proposals reflect reality in that: a) international standards, guidelines and technological trends were considered; b) the capabilities of existing and developing computer and communication infrastructure within forestry, especially in the rural areas, were considered and utilized and c) the requirements and problems of operations managers were considered. Most managerial decisions which have a direct influence on the natural environment, are executed at the operational level. Providing this level with effective, affordable, maintainable and purpose-specific computer systems, is therefore the correct avenue for improved managerial practices within our natural heritage.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van 'n konseptuele struktuur as voorbeeld van 'n toepassingsmodel, wat die effektiwiteit van Suid-Afrikaanse bestuursmetodes met betrekking tot bosbrande op 'n eenvoudige en bekostigbare wyse sal verbeter, word binne hierdie studie voorgestel. Die voorstelle weerspieel realiteit aangesien: a) internasionale standaarde, riglyne en nuwe tegnologiese ontwikkellinge oorweeg is; b) die vermoens van bestaande en ontwikkelende rekenaar en kommunikasie infrastrukture binne die bosbedryf, veral in die platteland, oorweeg en benut is en c) die behoeftes en probleme van bestuurders op die operasionele vlak in ag geneem is. Die meeste bestuursbesluite wat 'n direkte invloed op die natuurlike omgewing het, word op operasionele bestuursvlak uitgevoer. Om hierdie bestuursvlak dus toe te rus met effektiewe, bekostigbare, onderhoubare en doelspesifIeke rekenaarstelsels, word beskou as die korrekte manier om verbeterde bestuursbesluite binne ons natuurlike erfenis te verseker.
Dissertation (Ph. D.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1992.
Forest fires -- South Africa -- Prevention and control -- Mathematical models, Dissertations -- Forestry