Efficiency of Tm3+ -doped silica triple clad fiber laser

Ndebeka, Wilfrid Innocent
Heidt, A.
Schwoerer, Heinrich
Rohwer, Erich G.
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Optical Society of America
We present measurements of the slope efficiency and the pump power at threshold of a Tm3+ -doped silica triple clad fiber laser emitting at 2.02 μm using different cooling techniques. The slope efficiency of 53.6 % was obtained at a temperature of 25oC with a maximum output power of 5 W for 19 W of absorbed power at the pump wavelength of 800 nm and 9.9 W threshold. In a slightly different setup, the output power could be increased to 10 W for an absorbed pump power of 32 W.
Please cite as follows:
Ndebeka, W.I., Heidt, A., Schwoerer, H. and Rohwer, E.G. "Efficiency of Tm3+-doped silica triple clad fiber laser," in International Summer Session: Lasers and Their Applications, (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper Th4. doi:10.1364/SUMSESSION.2011.Th4
The original publication is available at: https://www.osapublishing.org/
Lasers, Fiber optics
Ndebeka, W.I., Heidt, A., Schwoerer, H. and Rohwer, E.G. "Efficiency of Tm3+-doped silica triple clad fiber laser," in International Summer Session: Lasers and Their Applications, (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper Th4.