A leadership and management perspective to merging of South African technical colleges

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research profiles some of the South African Technical College Chief Executive Officer's job responsibilities to be effective and efficient in the merging of state and state-aided technical colleges. The principal's experience gained during the apartheid era and its applicable legislation is characterised by the sector development, which was influenced by the economic, political, and higher education roles respectively. The question of whether the principal's past experience is adequate or inadequate for merging is of crucial importance. The research therefore explores policy renewal challenges in conjunction with firstly leadership and change management trends and secondly, with international merging experiences as a basis for the South African merger of past separate technical colleges.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing belig die feit dat die Hoof Uitvoerende Bestuurder van Suid-Afrikaanse Tegniese Kolleges se werksverantwoordelikhede moet bydra tot die doelmatige en doeltreffende samesmelting van staat en staats-ondersteunende tegniese kolleges. Die "bestuurder/hoof" se ondervinding opgedoen tydens die apartheidera en die toepaslike wetgewing word gekenmerk deur sektorale ontwikkeling, wat onderskeidelik deur ekonomiese, politiese en hoër onderwys beinvloed is. Die vraag of die "hoof" se vorige ondervinding genoegsaam is vir die doel van samesmelting, al dan nie, is van kardinale belang. Die navorsing wil dus die volgende verken. Eerstens die uitdagings van beleidsveranderinge tesame met leierskap en veranderinge ten opsigte van bestuurstendense en tweedens, Internasionale (Globale) samesmeltings ervaringe as 'n basis vir die Suid-Afrikaanse samesmelting van voorheen aparte tegniese kolleges.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Universities and colleges -- Mergers -- South Africa, Universities and colleges -- South Africa -- Job descriptions -- Decision making, Educational change -- South Africa, Leadership -- Ability testing -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Education