Wheelchair users’ experiences of access to healthcare in Western Cape Province, South Africa

dc.contributor.advisorVisagie, Suronaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAbrahams, Shaunelia Heidien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Rehabilitation Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MHumanRehabSt)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: Individuals with physical impairments who rely on wheelchairs often face significant difficulties when it comes to accessing healthcare services. There has been limited investigation into the accessibility of healthcare for individuals who use wheelchairs in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Aim: The focus of this study was to investigate the barriers and facilitators wheelchair user's experience when accessing healthcare facilities in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Method: An investigation was carried out using a qualitative descriptive study design to explore healthcare access for wheelchair users through the use of the ACCESS Framework. Information was gathered through semi-structured interviews done virtually, telephonically or in-person from a group of 12 individuals who reside across 3 districts in the Western-Cape. An analysis was conducted using thematic methods. Findings: The study revealed that individuals who use wheelchairs encounter various barriers and facilitators when trying to access healthcare services in their local areas. Themes were identified using the ACCESS framework: availability, accessibility, affordability, adequacy, and acceptability. Various obstacles were found, including challenges with travel, steep ramps, inadequate toilets, inefficient patient care, operational system shortcomings, higher out-of-pocket expenses, and a lack of compassion from healthcare professionals. Key facilitators that were identified include the adequacy of infrastructure, a focus on patient-centred care, efficient services, financial support, and supportive health professionals. Conclusion: Despite notable facilitators in addressing the needs of wheelchair users in health spaces, in the Western Cape Province it was evident that more effort is required. Wheelchair users faced numerous obstacles that impeded their access to health care. The availability, affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and adequacy of health care must be improved to serve this population better.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Individue met fisieke gestremdhede wat op rolstoele staatmaak, ondervind dikwels aansienlike probleme wanneer dit kom by toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste. Daar is beperkte ondersoek gedoen na die toeganklikheid van gesondheidsorg vir individue wat rolstoele gebruik in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Doel: Die fokus van hierdie studie was om die uitdagings en faktore te ondersoek wat rolstoelgebruikers se vermoe om toegang tot gesondheidsorgfasiliteite in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika te bekom, beinvloed. Metode: 'n Ondersoek is uitgevoer met behulp van 'n kwalitatief-beskrywende studie-ontwerp om gesondheidsorgtoegang vir rolstoelgebruikers te verken deur die gebruik van die TOEGANGSraamwerk. Inligting is ingesamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude wat virtueel, telefonies en persoonlik gedoen is van 'n groep van 12 individue wat in 3 distrikte in die Wes-Kaap woonagtig is. 'n Analise is uitgevoer met behulp van tematiese metodes. Bevindinge: Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat individue wat rolstoele gebruik verskeie uitdagings en geleenthede teekom wanneer hulle probeer om toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste in hul plaaslike gebiede te kry. Temas is geidentifiseer deur die TOEGANG-raamwerk te gebruik: beskikbaarheid, toeganklikheid, bekostigbaarheid, toereikendheid en aanvaarbaarheid. Verskeie struikelblokke is gevind, insluitend uitdagings met reis, steil opritte, onvoldoende toilette, ondoeltreffende pasientsorg, tekortkominge in die operasionele stelsel, addisionele uitgawes, ‘n gebrek aan deernis van professionele gesondheidsorgpersoneel. Sleutelfaktore wat geidentifiseer is, sluit in die toereikendheid van infrastruktuur, 'n fokus op pasientgesentreerde sorg, doeltreffende dienste, finansiele ondersteuning en ondersteunende gesondheidswerkers. Gevolgtrekking: Gesondheidsorgfasiliteite staar talle struikelblokke in die gesig wat hul voorsiening van sorg belemmer. Individue wat rolstoele gebruik, moet gereeld hindernisse akkommodeer om toegang tot hul noodsaaklike gesondheidsorgafsprake te kry. Ten spyte van noemenswaardige fasiliteerders om die behoeftes van individue met mobiliteitsversteurings in gesondheidsruimtes aan te spreek, is dit duidelik dat meer moeite vereis word. Die beskikbaarheid, bekostigbaarheid, toeganklikheid, aanvaarbaarheid en toereikendheid van hierdie fasiliteite moet verbeter word om hierdie bevolking beter te dien.af_ZA
dc.format.extent145 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshPeople with disabilities -- Services for -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshWheelchairs -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshHealth services accessibility -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshBarrier-free design -- Health -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleWheelchair users’ experiences of access to healthcare in Western Cape Province, South Africaen_ZA
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