Peer education programmes in Soweto schools : employee perceptions, knowledge, attitudes and implementation challanges

Ntlatleng, Eva
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It was the Gauteng Department of Education’s noble idea to introduce staff peer education programmes in its institutions in an attempt to mitigate the impact HIV epidemic has on its employees, both school based and office based. Despite the department’s rationale behind the introduction of staff peer education programmes in schools its implementation has encountered multiple challenges. In pursuit for the answers to the research question a qualitative research was conducted. Questionnaires were developed and distributed to fifteen teachers, of which five were trained as peer educators by the Gauteng Department of Education and ten were who were not trained as data collection techniques. The data collection techniques used were designed to assist the researcher to establish what the implementation challenges of the peer education programmes were and also to establish why members of staff in schools were not utilising these programmes. The findings revealed that peer education programmes were not implemented and also not utilised in some schools if not in all schools in Soweto, the reasons for non-implementation was basically because staff peer educators did not know what their roles and responsibilities entails as far as implementing the staff peer education programmes are concerned. The study also revealed that members of staff at schools’ level were not aware of the existence of such programmes within their schools. The issue of trust was another obstacle that came up in the investigation as staff members revealed their unwillingness to discuss their HIV status with peer educators especially because they were colleagues from the same schools. It was therefore, recommended that staff peer educators be formally introduced to all members of staff and to the schools’ community and during their introduction be sworn to secrecy and also be required to pledge publicly before resuming their roles and responsibilities as peer educators. It was further recommended that guidelines be developed for effective and to create uniformity in the implementation of these programmes. Peer education forums were to be established whereby peer educators can meet on regular basis to share ideas on good practices and help each other deal with challenges they encounter when implementing these programmes. Further research on the subject was also recommended and be extended and escalated right up to provincial and national level.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit was die Gauteng Departement van Onderwys se edele idee personeel portuuronderrig in sy instellings in te voer in 'n poging om die impak van MIV-epidemie het op sy werknemers te verminder, beide skoolgebaseerde en kantoor gebaseer is. Ten spyte van die departement se rasionaal agter die bekendstelling van die personeel peer opvoedkundige programme in skole die implementering van verskeie uitdagings teëgekom het. In die nastrewing van die antwoorde op die navorsingsvraag 'n kwalitatiewe navorsing. Vraelyste is ontwikkel en tot vyftien onderwysers, waarvan vyf as portuuropvoeders opgelei deur die Gauteng Departement van Onderwys en tien was wat nie as data-insamelingstegnieke opgelei versprei. Die data-insamelingstegnieke gebruik is ontwerp om die navorser te help om vas te stel wat die implementering uitdagings van die peer opvoedkundige programme was en ook om vas te stel waarom lede van die personeel in skole is nie hierdie programme gebruik te maak. Die bevindinge toon dat eweknie opvoedkundige programme is nie geïmplementeer nie en ook nie aangewend in sommige skole indien nie in alle skole in Soweto, die redes vir nie-implementering was omdat personeel portuuropvoeders het nie geweet wat hulle rolle en verantwoordelikhede behels so ver as die implementering van die personeel peer opvoedkundige programme betrokke is. Die studie het ook aan die lig gebring dat die lede van die personeel by skole se vlak was nie bewus van die bestaan van sulke programme in hul skole. Die kwessie van die trust is 'n hindernis wat opgekom het in die ondersoek as personeellede geopenbaar hul onwilligheid om hul MIV-status met eweknie-opvoeders te bespreek, veral omdat hulle kollegas van dieselfde skole. Dit is dus aanbeveel dat personeel portuuropvoeders formeel bekendgestel aan alle lede van die personeel en die skole se gemeenskap en tydens hul inleiding word tot geheimhouding en ook word vereis om in die openbaar onderneem voordat hul rolle en verantwoordelikhede hervatting as eweknie-opvoeders. Dit is verder aanbeveel dat riglyne vir effektiewe ontwikkel word en eenvormigheid in die implementering van hierdie programme te skep. Portuuronderrig forums was bepaal word wat eweknie-opvoeders kan ontmoet op 'n gereelde basis om idees te deel op goeie praktyke en help mekaar deal met uitdagings wat hulle ondervind wanneer hierdie programme te implementeer. Verdere navorsing oor die onderwerp is ook aanbeveel en word uitgebrei en toegeneem tot op provinsiale en nasionale vlak.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, HIV infections -- South Africa -- Soweto -- Prevention, Health counselling -- South Africa -- Soweto, Peer counelling -- South Africa -- Soweto, School employees -- Training of -- South Africa -- Soweto, UCTD