The abject, frail fourth age body: art jewellery as a tool to re-interpret aged female bodies

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates art jewellery as social communicator and questions the way in which the Fourth Age female individual is perceived. The argument of this thesis will be presented in conjunction with visual imagery of the series of pieces that have been created. Through my art practice, I aim to destabilise abject, frail bodies as a parallel for identity in the fourth age. Through the process of material investigation and making it becomes evident that the aged body is delicate and fragile, yet beneath the surface that is perceived as decay lies a vast pool of beauty, experience and strength that is overlooked. This thesis, along with my practical body of work acts as the catalyst to forming new perspectives and perceptions surrounding the fourth age female body and identity.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek juweliersware as kunsvorm en sosiale kommentator, asook hoe juweliersware die manier waarop vroulike ‘fourth age’ individuë aanskou word kan bevraagteken. Die argument van hierdie tesis word angebied tesame met visuele beelde van die reeks stukke wat gemaak is. Deur my praktiese werk mik ek om abjekte, brose liggaame as parallel vir identiteit in die ‘fourth age’ te ondermyn. Deur middel van deeglike praktiese ondersoek- en maakprosesse blyk dit dat die bejaarde liggaam wel delikaat en broos is, maar onder die oppervlak wat aanskou word as aftakeling, skuil ‘n omvangryke poel van prag, ervaring en krag wat oorsien word. Hierdie tesis, tesame met my reeks praktiese werk, dien as katalisator vir die vorming van nuwe perspektiewe en idees oor die bejaarde vroulike liggaam en identiteit.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Frail elderly women -- Psychological aspects, Elderly, frail women -- Psychological aspects, Aging -- Women -- Psychological aspects, Older people -- Women -- Psychological aspects, Frail elderly -- Women -- Physiological aspects, Frail older people -- Women -- Physiological aspects, Elderly, frail women -- Physiological aspects, Aging -- Women -- Physiological aspects, Older people -- Women -- Physiological aspects, UCTD