Development and verification of an electro-mechanical docking mechanism for flight

dc.contributor.advisorJordaan, Willemen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVisagie, Lourensen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSerfontein, Gideonen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis focused on the development of a docking system for CubeSats with the aim of using it in a demonstration mission named DockSat. The system includes a docking adapter and a mechanism to lock the satellites together, a pose estimation system employing both LED fiducial markers and a camera, electromagnetic coils to allow control of relative position and the control algorithms needed. This work, particularly the pose estimation system and docking adapter were based on work done by Robert Waller for his master’s. The different parts of the system were designed with one another in mind. This included the mechanical design that was made to work with the pose estimation system as well as the coil. As a part of this integration, a PCB was designed to act as the back-pane of the docking adapter that could hold the electronics for the electromagnetic coil as well as the LEDs used for the pose estimation. Each part of the system was developed and tested separately. Starting with the docking adapter, the mechanism was updated to make it more robust, manufacturable and lockable. This was tested with a series of tests to test its misalignment robustness and locking force. Secondly, the pose estimation system was integrated into the docking adapter. Tests were conducted to measure its accuracy and it was found to be suitable. Thirdly, magnetic coils were designed to be integrated into the docking adapters. This was done using simplified models of electromagnets as well as simulations. Afterwards the coils’ strength and force were tested. Using the results from previous tests, simulations were done in both 2 and 3 dimensions. PID controllers were designed to control the electromagnets and the reaction wheels. The control scheme was found to be effective to bring the two satellites together from rest to dock. Thus a complete system for docking was formulated. The test results show that the system is suitable for the DockSat mission.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis het gefokus op die ontwikkeling van ’n dokstelsel vir CubeSats met die doel om dit te gebruik in ’n demonstrasiemissie met die naam DockSat. Die stelsel sluit ’n dokadapter en ’n meganisme in om die satelliete saam te sluit, ’n posieskattingsisteem wat beide LED-fidusiaalmerkers en ’n kamera gebruik, elektromagnetiese spoele om beheer oor relatiewe posisie moontlik te maak en die beheeralgoritmes wat nodig is. Hierdie werk, veral die posieskattingsisteem en dokpasstuk, was gebaseer op werk wat deur Robert Waller vir sy meestersgraad gedoen is. Die verskillende dele van die stelsel is met mekaar in gedagte ontwerp. Dit het die meganiese ontwerp ingesluit wat gemaak is om met die posieskattingsisteem sowel as die spoel te werk. As deel van hierdie integrasie is ’n PCB ontwerp om as die agterpaneel van die dokpasstuk te dien wat die elektronika vir die elektromagnetiese spoel sowel as die LED’s wat vir die posieskattingsisteem gebruik word, kon hou. Elke deel van die stelsel is afsonderlik ontwikkel en getoets. Beginnende met die dokpasstuk, is die meganisme opgedateer om dit meer robuust, vervaardigbaar en sluitbaar te maak. Dit is getoets met ’n reeks toetse om die passtuk se mispassingsrobustheid en sluitkrag te toets. Tweedens is die posieskattingsisteem in die dokpasstuk ge¨ıntegreer. Toetse is uitgevoer om die akkuraatheid daarvan te meet en dit is bevind dat dit geskik is. Derdens is magnetiese spoele ontwerp om in die dokpasstukke ge¨ıntegreer te word. Dit is gedoen met behulp van vereenvoudigde modelle van elektromagnete sowel as simulasies. Daarna is die spoele se sterkte en krag getoets. Laastens is ’n beheerskema ontwikkel vir gebruik in spoele. Met behulp van die resultate van vorige toetse is simulasies gedoen in beide 2 en 3 dimensies. PID-beheerders is ontwerp om die elektromagnete en die reaksiewiele te beheer. Die beheerskema is bevind om effektief te wees om die twee satelliete saam te bring vanuit rus tot dok. Sodoende is ’n volledige stelsel vir dokking geformuleer. Die toetsresultate toon dat die stelsel geskik is vir die DockSat-missie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 97 pages : illustrations.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSpace vehicles -- Docking en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshElectric coils en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPrototypes, Engineeringen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPose estimation systemen_ZA
dc.titleDevelopment and verification of an electro-mechanical docking mechanism for flighten_ZA
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