Browsing by Author "Slabbert, Ilze"
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- ItemAgainst the odds : strengths displayed by abused women(Stellenbosch University, 2014) Slabbert, IlzeAlthough legislation protecting women’s rights in South Africa is well developed, statistics indicate that violence against women has become the norm. There are no cultural, socio-economic, political, religious or educational boundaries to domestic violence. Despite this, some abused women display certain strengths. The strengths perspective is thus a suitable theoretical approach for this qualitative study exploring and describing the strengths of twenty abused women who formed the sample. Five strengths – namely hope, resilience, pride, healing and wholeness, and lastly personal qualities, traits and virtues – were identified. Some recommendations are made about the suitability of the strengths perspective for practice.
- ItemBehoeftes van gesinne waar ’n kind met kanker gediagnoseer is : persepsies van maatskaplike werkers(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2018) Slabbert, Ilze; Steenkamp, TerikaAs ʼn kind met kanker gediagnoseer word, is dit nooit maklik om te verwerk nie. Die hele gesinsisteem ervaar ontwrigting om by sodanige diagnose aan te pas, en almal ervaar sekere behoeftes in hierdie situasie. Vir hierdie studie is die sisteemteorie gekies as teoretiese raamwerk om die verskillende behoeftes van die subsisteme in die gesin te eksploreer en te verken. Die doel van die studie was om die persepsies van maatskaplike werkers te ondersoek oor die behoeftes van gesinne waar ʼn kind met kanker gediagnoseer is. ʼn Kwalitatiewe studie is onderneem en etiese klaring is daarvoor verkry. Agtien deelnemers van ses verskillende hospitale en hospiese landwyd het aan die studie deelgeneem. Doelbewuste steekproefneming is gedoen. Data is ingesamel aan die hand van ʼn semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule. Drie temas is geïdentifiseer, naamlik die behoefte aan inligting, ondersteuning en kommunikasie. Relevante subtemas is ook geïdentifiseer. Die gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word dat die gesinsisteem waar ʼn kind met kanker gediagnoseer is, sekere behoeftes ervaar waarvan maatskaplike werkers bewus moet wees ten einde effektiewe dienslewering aan hierdie gesinne te bied.
- ItemCaregiver burden as depicted by family caregivers of persons with physical disabilities(Stellenbosch University, Department of Social Work, 2018) Muller-Kluits, Noreth; Slabbert, IlzeSouth Africa is experiencing a high incidence of child abuse and neglect. The care and protection of children require of social workers to deliver child protection services including compiling reports for Children’s Court hearings. This paper focuses on how the Family Assessment for Least Developed Countries (FA-LDC) instrument can be used as evidenced-based practice to assist social workers in statutory investigations. Findings indicate that this instrument directed information gathering more effectively for the finalisation of investigations. The paper concludes by indicating how the utilisation of assessment instruments can assist social workers in dealing with high caseloads
- ItemThe effects of a father's alcohol misuse on the wellbeing of his family : views of social workers(Dept. of Social Work, Stellenbosch University, 2017) Kuhn, Janelle; Slabbert, IlzeAlcohol misuse poses a major threat to the wellbeing of families. If a father drinks excessively, all members of the family are affected. A qualitative study of an exploratory and descriptive nature was undertaken in which 20 social workers were interviewed. The systems theory was used as a theoretical framework. The goal of the study was to explore and describe the effects of alcohol misuse by a father on the wellbeing of his family, as viewed by social workers. Four themes emerged from the findings. Some conclusions and implications are also noted.
- ItemEk het uiteindelik op straat beland; dis ʼn harde lewe : Uitdagings van kwesbare vroue wat alkohol of dwelms misbruik(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2019) Slabbert, IlzeDaar is wêreldwyd ʼn toename in die misbruik van alkohol- en/of dwelms. Dit is veral kwesbare vroue wat alkohol of dwelms misbruik, wat gespesialiseerde behandeling benodig. Die doel van die studie was om die uitdagings wat hierdie groep vroue die hoof moet bied, te ondersoek. Die ekologiese perspektief is as teoretiese raamwerk gekies. ʼn Kwalitatiewe studie met ʼn eksplorerende en beskrywende aard is gedoen om dié doel van die studie te bereik. Vyftien deelnemers is gewerf as steekproef vir die studie deur ʼn nieregeringsorganisasie. Die onderhoude wat met hulle gevoer is, is getranskribeer en in vyf temas verdeel, naamlik traumatiese kinderjare, teenspoed in die volwasse lewe, uitdagings in die omgewing, gebruik van alkohol of dwelms om die lewe te hanteer, en hoop. Data-verifikasie is ook gedoen. Etiese klaring is vir die studie verkry. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat kwesbare vroue wat alkohol of dwelms misbruik, verskeie uitdagings in die gesig staar en gespesialiseerde intervensie benodig. Daar word aanbeveel dat meer navorsing gedoen word oor hierdie kwessie.
- ItemThe experiences of low-income female survivors of domestic violence(Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010-12) Slabbert, Ilze; Green, Sulina; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Science. Dept. of Social Work.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Domestic violence crosses all boundaries and is regarded as a universal challenge affecting women of all spheres of life. Domestic violence is seen as a serious social problem in South Africa. It is regarded by many researchers as a leading cause of female injury. Domestic violence can be described as an act by a member of a family against another member with intent to do physical injury, psychological or emotional harm, or an assault or a threat that reasonably places that member in fear of imminent physical injury or emotional harm. It has major consequences, not only for the abused woman, but also for her children and society at large. Many low-income women cannot escape their abusive circumstances due to a lack of resources. Despite the fact that they cannot leave their situation, many women display certain strengths, helping them to deal with their difficult situation. These women can be viewed as heroic, assertive and persistent. They are not victims, but active survivors. The social work profession could benefit from greater insight into the strengths and coping mechanisms of low-income female survivors of domestic violence. The goal of the study is to gain an understanding of low-income female survivors’ experience of domestic violence, focusing on their environmental resources (including family, friends and community) and on their coping mechanisms (inner resources/strengths). To achieve this goal, the objectives are: to present a theoretical overview of the nature and extent of domestic violence; to describe the environmental resources (such as family, friends and community) of low-income abused women from the ecological perspective; to explore the coping mechanisms (inner resources) of these women in terms of the principles of the strengths perspective; and to analyse and interpret the data obtained from the study. The research utilises an exploratory and descriptive design. The research question is, “What are the experience (environmental resources) and coping mechanisms (inner resources) of lowincome female survivors of domestic violence?” This question was addressed by means of qualitative research. Twenty participants took part in the study. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to select the participants. They were interviewed by the researcher, and the data obtained from the interviews were organised into themes. Five themes namely, the experience of domestic violence, low-income, resources, coping mechanisms and statutory intervention were identified. These themes were further divided into sub-themes and categories. Conclusions derived from the data included: domestic violence is a phenomenon that cuts across all racial, marital status or age boundaries; some low-income female survivors of domestic violence experience their situation as stressful; low-income is one of the determining factors preventing some abused women to leave their situation; resources play a significant part in the lives of some low-income abused women; certain strengths from some low-income battered women help them cope; and some abused low-income women do not find an Interim Protection Order (IPO) or the police to be helpful. The recommendations are that social workers should assess primary, secondary and tertiary intervention in dealing with domestic violence; the ecological and strengths perspectives combined would be helpful in assessing resources and coping mechanisms in low-income abused women and collaboration between social workers, the court and the police could help low-income abused women to use statutory services effectively.
- ItemFactors that could contribute to substance misuse and criminal activity amongst adolescents : an ecological perspective(Stellenbosch University, Department of Social Work, 2019) Jacobs, Tasneem; Slabbert, IlzeThe increase of criminal behaviour and substance misuse amongst adolescents is of great concern for social service providers. According to the ecological perspective, several factors could contribute to substance misuse and criminal activity amongst adolescents, impacting negatively on their lives. A qualitative study was done to explore and describe the perceptions of social service providers of the factors that could contribute to substance misuse and criminal activity amongst adolescents. Twenty participants took part in this study and certain criteria for inclusion applied. The data were categorised into three themes, namely micro, meso and macro level. Relevant conclusions and recommendations were made.
- ItemReflective learning in social work education in the field of substance abuse(Stellenbosch University, 2015) Slabbert, IlzeReflective learning is very much part of social work education. A qualitative study was proposed with final-year social work students at a selected university in South Africa doing a course in the field of substance abuse. The participants completed a reflective exercise on abstaining from an aspect/habit/substance in their own lives for three weeks. Six themes emerged, namely abstinence from: depressants, stimulants, opioids, food, social media and bad habits. Findings indicated that students gained an insight into possible harmful patterns in their own lives as well as into the complexity of life-long abstinence in prospective clients’ lives. Recommendations are provided for social work education, practice and research.
- ItemDie rol van alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik by vrouemishandeling : ʼn maatskaplikewerk-perspektief(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2015-12) Slabbert, IlzeVrouemishandeling bied ʼn groot uitdaging vir maatskaplike werkers. In Suid-Afrika word na berekening elke 6 ure ʼn vrou vermoor deur haar lewensmaat, die hoogste voorkomssyfer ter wêreld. Navorsing toon ʼn verband tussen vrouemishandeling en alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik. Vanuit die ekologiese perspektief word die sosiale omgewing van ʼn persoon as onlosmaaklik deel van haar beskou en dit is dus ʼn geskikte teoretiese uitgangspunt vir hierdie studie. ʼn Kwalitatiewe studie is gedoen, en etiese klaring is daarvoor verkry. Die doel van die studie was om vroue se ervaring rondom intieme geweld te ondersoek, asook die moontlike rol wat alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik speel in gewelddadige verhoudings. Die studie was beskrywend en verkennend van aard en 20 vroue is daarvoor geïdentifiseer, deur middel van doelbewuste en sneeubalsteekproefneming. Data is ingesamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Tydens verwerking van die data is vyf temas geïdentifiseer, naamlik alkoholmisbruik deur lewensmaat, dwelmmisbruik deur lewensmaat, alkoholmisbruik deur die deelnemers aan die studie, statutêre intervensie en polisie-intervensie. Die gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word dat die deelnemers groot uitdagings ervaar het ten opsigte van intieme geweld. Meer as die helfte van die deelnemers het aangedui dat hul lewensmaat alkohol en/of dwelms misbruik het.
- ItemTypes of domestic violence experienced by women in abusive relationships(Stellenbosch University, 2013) Slabbert, Ilze; Green, SulinaResearch and specialised practice indicate that women who are abused by their intimate partners are at an increasing risk the longer the abuse continues. Many men show escalating violent behaviour toward their female partners and many women are killed by their partners (Roche, 1999:24). Several researchers (Artz, 1999:2; Damon, 2003:94; Flinck, Paavilainen & Asredt-Kurki, 2005:383; Gelles, 1999:168; Vincent & Jouriles, 2002:7) view domestic violence as a leading cause of female injury in almost every country. Dwyer, Smokowski, Bricout and Wodarski (1995:185) claim that injuries as a result of domestic violence are more common than from muggings, car accidents and death resulting from cancer combined.