Die geleefde ervarings van primere skoolonderwysers binne 'n kultuur van performatiwiteit

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the lived experiences of primary school teachers within a culture of performativity. The French philosopher, Jean-Francois Lyotard (1984) more than anyone else gave credence to the notion of ‘performativity’ in education which he used to represent political and bureaucratic mechanisms of control. Embedded in regulatory mechanisms there are performance indicators such as ‘monitoring systems’ with associated ‘production of information’, that according to Ball (2003) engenders the ‘terrors of performativity’. To conform to the regulatory mechanisms the performativity culture in schools, pressure is increasingly placed on teachers to demonstrate their accountability to education authorities for the responsibilities delegated to them. The literature review does not only seeks to give meaning to key terms and concepts relevant to the study, but also aims to define the operational. Relevant terms included: accountability, professionalism, performance and performativity. In the discussion it is shown that there is a close underlying relationship between performativity and performance, between performativity and accountability, and between performativity and professionalism. In order to answer the main research question and to align logically to the purpose of the study, the researcher conducted a qualitative research study within the interpretative research paradigm. The study was guided by the phenomenological research approach – and more specifically by the hermeneutical-phenomenological research method of Max van Manen (1990). Two data collection methods were employed: protocol narratives (descriptions of lived experiences) and in-depth semi-structured phenomenological interviews. In this study a thematic analytical approach was followed whereby the researcher identified emerging themes from the collected data. Different steps were taken to increase the internal validity of the study and to give attention to the ethical aspects that emerged during the investigation. In this study it is evident that performativity, with its emphasis on effectiveness, efficiency and quality, is currently the most powerful and pervasive discourse in education. The description of the results shows that teachers tend to be swallowed up by the demands of performativity – so much so that teachers are overwhelmed by the ‘terrors of performativity’. Teachers’ ‘escape’ from the ‘imprisonment’ of performativity is not only associated with distorted side Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za viii effects, but there are also physiological and emotional processes that teachers are confronted with in their attempts conform to the regulatory systems. The study found that the undesirable side effects of performativity serve and a push factor for the early exit of teachers from the profession.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die geleefde ervarings van primêre skoolonderwysers binne ‘n kultuur van performatiwiteit. Die Franse filosoof, Jean-Francois Lyotard (1984) wat meer as enigeen die betekenis van performatiwiteit in die onderwys blootgelê het, gebruik die nosie van ‘performatiwiteit’ om politieke en burokratiese meganismes van beheer voor te stel. Ingebed in die regulerende meganismes is daar prestasie-aanduiders soos onder andere ‘moniteringsisteme’ met gepaardgaande ‘produksie van inligting’, wat volgens Stephen Ball (2003) aanleiding gee tot die ‘terreurs van performatiwiteit’. Ten einde te konformeer tot die regulerende meganismes is daar binne die performatiewe klimaat in die skool toenemende druk op onderwysers om te demonstreer dat hulle toerekenbaar is aan die onderwysowerhede vir die verantwoordelikhede wat aan hulle opgedra is. In die lieratuuroorsig is nie net ‘n oorsig gegee van die betekenisse van kernterme en – konsepte wat relevant tot hierdie studie is nie, maar ook is gepoog om dit operatief te definieer. Relevante begrippe is onder andere toerekenbaarheid, professionalisme, prestasie en performatiwiteit. In die bespreking is aangetoon dat daar ‘n noue onderlinge verband tussen performatiwiteit en prestasie, tussen performatiwiteit en toerekenbaarheid, en tussen performatiwiteit en professionalisme bestaan. Om die sentrale navorsingsvraag te beantwoord en logies met die doel van die studie in te skakel, het die navorser ‘n kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie uit die interpretiwistiese navorsingsparadigma onderneem. Die fenomenologiese navorsingsbenadering – en meer spesifiek, die hermeneuties-fenomenologiese navorsingsmetode van Max van Manen (1990) het hierdie studie gerig. Daar is gebruik gemaak van twee data-insamelingsmetodes, te wete protokol skryfwerk (geleefde ervarings-beskrywings) en semi-gestruktureerde in-diepte fenomenologiese onderhoude. In hierdie studie is ‘n tematiese analitiese benadering gevolg deurdat die navorser die ontluikende temas in die ingesamelde data geïdentifiseer het. Verskillende stappe is gedoen om veral die interne geldigheid van die studie te verhoog en aandag te gee aan etiese aspekte wat tydens die ondersoek na vore gekom het. Uit hierdie studie blyk dit dat performatiwiteit, met sy klem op effektiwiteit, doeltreffendheid en kwaliteit, huidiglik die mees magtigste en deurdringende diskoers in die onderwys is. Uit die Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za vi beskrywing van die resultate is dit duidelik dat onderwysers neig om deur die eise van performatiwiteit verswelg te raak – soveel so dat onderwyser oorweldig word deur die ‘terreurs van performatiwiteit’. Onderwysers se ‘ontsnapping’ uit die ‘gevangenskap’ van performatiwiteit gaan nie net gepaard met bepaalde verwronge opvoedkundige newe-effekte nie, maar ook is daar die fisiologiese en emosionele prosesse wat onderwysers moet verduur in hul pogings om tot die regulerende stelsels te konformeer. In die studie is bevind dat die ongewenste newe-effekte van performatiwiteit dien as stootfaktore wat onderwysers beweeg om die onderwys vroeg te laat verlaat.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Effective teaching, Primary school teachers -- South Africa -- Rating of, UCTD